yug k
2 min readDec 3, 2018

iOS- Swift 4.2 — Navigate to textfields in sequence order by using keyboard toolbar arrow buttons.

  1. The below TextFieldNavigation class will handle the textfield movement using keyboard arrows.

2) Design a view controller with scrollView which has six textfields.

3) In ViewController class we will link textfields to TextFieldNavigation class(We are storing all textfields in an array in sequence order and passing it to TextFieldNavigation class which has an array)

textFieldNavigator?.textFields = [firstTextfield, secondTextfield, thirdTextfield, fourthTextfield, fifthTextfield, sixthTextfield]

GitHub link: https://github.com/yugandh/TextFieldNavigationFromKeyboard


This is an easy way to help you in projects where you are using multiple textfields in a viewController.