I don’t eat beef and why you shouldn’t ask why

Yugene Lee
2 min readDec 5, 2015


It is hard to explain to someone why don’t I eat beef because I am not very sure about the reason as well.

It is a tradition passed down from my family. Since young, I never had beef. Most of the places in my hometown didn’t sell beef as well.

I am a buddhist but I don’t practice it. (If I say yes, I am lying) The most I did was praying to 观音娘娘, 土地公公 and 天神爷爷 when I went home.

So again why don’t I eat beef? I can’t answer that and I don’t want to.

I am stubborn and I know it. But who cares.

So the question is…

Will anything happen if I start eating beef? No.

Will anything happen if everyone stops believing in god? No.

Will anything happen if a vegetarian starts eating meat? No.

The aliens won’t come and destroy us the next day if we did that.

The point is these are beliefs. Beliefs that can and cannot be explained.

But the importance is not to explain it, it is whether one can accept it or not.

If it is not a belief, it is either a fact or question.

The fact is we must drink water to survive.

The question is having a religion will make us happier.

To everyone

I understand it is:

  • hard to explain does god exist without the bible.
  • hard to explain does buddhism guiding the right principles.
  • hard to explain will human make the world better.
  • hard to explain does education guarantee a good future.

Then don’t explain, one doesn’t need to live his life by explaining to others.

To the free thinkers

He/she might think that people having a religion is crazy, it is not.

The question is he/she has not belief. That’s not true, free thinking is another belief that god does not exist in this world.

My belief is there is god(s) who created Earth and we are designed perfectly to survive in this world. Maybe they have already set a rule asking us not to eat beef :p


Why do we question anyone’s beliefs if one can’t answer his/her?

To my girlfriend and friends: maybe one day I will start consuming beef but it is just not today.



Yugene Lee

Partner @ JIN Design (jin-design.com). Every day I drink 3 cups of coffee. D&D player. SRPG & anime fan.