Do you know what is blocking you from having a happy life, health, love, wealth, and even achieving your dreams?

Yuichiro Nakano
5 min readSep 12, 2022
Spiritual layers beneath physical realms — © 2022 All rights reserved

Self-sabotaging beliefs

Have you had these thoughts before? They are self-sabotaging beliefs. The worst nemesis is making us hide, be a little, and suffer.

I don’t know why my life is full of struggles. I don’t deserve this. Life is full of suffering. Life sucks. Life is a pain. My needs are not met. My needs don’t matter. I hate this I can’t stand this. I don’t want to be here, but I have no choice. I feel frightened. I’m anxious. The world is not a safe place for me. The world doesn’t want me. Nobody wants me. No one cares. I feel alone. I am nobody. I hate myself. Nobody loves me. I don’t know what to do anymore. I tried everything to fix this. I want to run away. I want to hide myself. I want to vanish into thin air. I want to wake up from my nightmare by the count of ten. This is too bad to be true. I wish I would never wake up. I don’t deserve this. I can’t accept this. This is not happening to me. I am stuck. Please help me. I am having panic attacks. I cannot breathe.

How can we shift our lives to be positive and more fulfilling?

When you are having those thoughts, remember that your thought is just a thought. You are scared, anxious, paranoid, or upset. You…



Yuichiro Nakano

A man with many talents. Artist/Architect/Writer/EnergyHealer. I'm here to share my gifts, talents, skills and wisdom/messages from the universe.