A Smooth Switch between Chatbot and Human Agent Is the Key to Digital Customer Service

Vicky Lee
Sanuker Club
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2019


However smart your chatbot may be, there are still chances that your chatbot may fail to understand and cannot give your users a satisfied response. Your users are now just one step away from pissing off, what should you do now? Link them up with your customer service agent to get their problems solved real quick. You should always leave a path to enable users to connect to your live chat support when chatbot cannot provide the answer they are looking for.

Two ways to activate live chat functionality

Here comes the two common scenarios that will easily trigger live chat connection for further handling:

  • When the user makes a live chat request
  • When the chatbot is not able to continue the designed dialogue with the user
Receive tickets on Slack

A ticket will be immediately created on the live chat system to notify your customer service agents that there is an incoming user enquiry needs your assistance. Chatbot should remain unresponsive to user input during the live chat process until the support team has marked the conversation as done.

Cross-platform Live Chat

Once the customer service agent has been successfully assigned to an enquiry ticket, the agent will be able to receive messages and chat with users across platforms instantly. They can not only exchange text messages but also general media files.

Live chat between Slack and Facebook

Chatbot History

Conversation history is crucial

Chatbot will log all dialogues happened between chatbot and users before they enter into live chat. Customer service agent will then be able to read a short summary of that enquiry (or even read through the whole conversation) to further understand the user’s question and make appropriate response.

Ticket Transfer

Transfer to other teammates

There are often times that the user raises a totally different issue to your agent during live chat and the case may need to be escalated to a higher level of assistance. In the light of such user behaviour, we created a comprehensive architecture to allow agents transfer the enquiry ticket to other teammates for further handling. Tickets may even be transferred across departments.

We provide our own live chat system for chatbots created on Stella so tickets coming from all your client-facing channels will be easily congregated into one place, learn more at here!

If you are already using your own API-friendly live chat system (no matter it is an in-house developed system or a third-party licensed tool), rest assured that we are well prepared to integrate with you to keep your current workflow smooth. Contact us for further details.

Originally published at Sanuker website



Vicky Lee
Sanuker Club

Chief Product Officer at Sanuker, a professional chatbot solution provider. Focusing on product vision, design and development.