$ARG mint Tutorial (Detailed version)

Yuliverse [Official]
6 min readMay 30, 2023


The long-awaited ARG is finally about to go live!
To help you understand better, we have specially written a detailed tutorial, explaining how to precisely operate during the Minting period, and some points to pay attention to.

Yuliverse will introduce a unique “tax destruction mechanism”, which is determined by a system called EScore. EScore can be considered as a game behavior evaluation mechanism. Its purpose is to protect good players and suppress and punish players with fraudulent behaviors. A player’s game behavior will directly affect the changes in EScore. Players with normal behavior will easily earn full EScore, thereby enjoying the lowest taxes. On the contrary, once a player exhibits abnormal behavior, the EScore will drop significantly as a punishment for the player. For example, purchasing game props will increase EScore, while using illegal software in Yuliverse will result in a large deduction of EScore.

Important notes to understand quickly.

Escore ( affected by user’s behavior )
Base Rate ( default is x100, but will changed during special campaigns)
Max amount ( Escore * Base rate)
Tax ( Determined by Escore)

The maximum withdraw-able amount will be
Escore * Base Rate

Let’s explain in detail how this system works!

What is EScore?

After entering the game and clicking on the wallet page, players will notice that we have added an EScore page, which is different from before. The value of EScore will affect the maximum number of ARGs a player can mint and the tax rate when minting ARG. The InGame ARG deducted as tax will be directly burned. The initial EScore for all players is 100.

How to Calculate the Maximum ARG Mint Value and Tax Rate

Players can click on the Max Amount page to see the maximum limit for minting BSC-ARG from InGame ARG and how many InGame ARGs will be deducted as tax when players mint ARG under different EScore values.

  • The maximum transfer value from InGame ARG to BSC-ARG is the current EScore value * 100, which is the default base rate. The base rate will be changed if there is a special event. During the first 7 days of TGE, the base rate will increase to 20,000. Therefore the maximum transfer limit will be set to the current EScore value * 20, 000 (base rate) as a special campaign promotion.
  • For example, during the campaign period, if a player Escore is 102, the maximum amount can be withdraw is 102 * 20,000.
  • With the 2.0.1 update, EScore will go live. However, the minting of BSC-chain ARG from InGame ARG will not be immediately. Minting of BSC-chain ARG will be live upon TGE. The aforementioned maximum limit for the first week’s limited time opening will only start to be calculated when the minting goes live.

Tax system

The rules for tax system are as follows:

For example: When a player’s EScore is 100, and the player wants to mint 1000 InGame ARG to BSC-ARG, then the BSC-ARG the player will obtain is 1000–1000*15%, which is 850 BSC-ARG.

How EScore Increases and Why It Decreases

Players can see how to increase EScore and under what circumstances EScore will decrease at the bottom of the EScore page. There are three ways to increase EScore:

  • Transfer ARG to G-ARG.
    Each transaction of 50 ARGs to G-ARG, EScore increases by 1 point;
  • Consume InGame ARG/G-ARG in the store.
    Each time 50 InGame ARG/G-ARG is consumed, EScore increases by 1 point;
  • EScore items.
    In the upcoming events, we will introduce EScore items which can increase EScore by 5/20/50 points.

Tips: The fastest way to accumulate EScore is to transfer all ARG to G-ARG before making purchases in the shop. This will help increase your EScore even more.

The following situations will decrease EScore:

  • Every 100 InGame ARG are transfered to BSC-ARG, 1 point of EScore will be deducted. For example: If a player transfers 5000 InGame ARG to BSC-ARG, 50 points of EScore will be deducted.
  • If a player behaves in a non-compliant manner, 20 points of EScore will be deducted.

The Difference Between InGame ARG and G-ARG

  • InGame ARG: can be used to purchase things in the store and mint BSC-ARG;
  • G-ARG: G-ARG can be used to purchase things in the store but cannot mint BSC-ARG.

It’s important to note that once players transfer InGame or BSC ARG to G-ARG, they cannot transfer it back to InGame or BSC ARG. However, transferring InGame or BSC ARG to G-ARG and consuming InGame or BSC ARG/G-ARG to purchase items in the store can increase EScore. Players can transfer InGame or BSC ARG to G-ARG before purchasing items in their daily routine to increase EScore. Additionally, storing G-ARG will have extra benefits. Transferring InGame or BSC ARG to G-ARG will have an annual interest rate of 3%. The annual interest rate income is settled every 7 days and added to G-ARG before the end of the day every Sunday.

Mint InGame-ARG

When players enter the wallet page, they can click the button to choose to transfer InGameARG to BSC-ARG/G-ARG. On the BSC-ARG page, they can enter the desired amount of ARG to mint. It’s important to note that there may be a maximum limit based on the player’s EScore. The first-time minting of ARG requires connecting their private key to import the wallet. After importing the wallet, they need to create a password, and it’s important for players to remember the password as it will be required every time they make a transfer. After creating the password, players can save their private key so that they don’t need to repeat the import process for future transaction.

Lastly, to complete the minting of ARG, players will also need to pay the Gas Fee. Once the Gas Fee is paid, the transfer from InGame ARG to BSC-ARG will be successfully completed!

For more information, kindly join our Discord to find out more.

Website: https://www.yuliverse.com/
White-Paper :https://metalab-1.gitbook.io/the-white-paper-of-yuliverse/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheYuliverse
Discord: https://discord.gg/yuliverseofficial

