Can I write something for you?

Gina Y
2 min readOct 17, 2019


©Gina Yu

I’m trying something out.

I’ve found that when I write,
I come across multiple blocks.
What I’ve realized however,
is when I’m writing for you, or you, or you,
I find I am unblocked.

It’s like writing for you allows me to look at things
from a more expansive view. It allows things
that I’ve been wanting to say for myself
or to myself to come out loud and clear,
because it’s not for me, even though at the end of the day,
what we tell others is often what we need to hear.

We’re a lot kinder to others than we are to ourselves.
We’re filled with more hope and more glittery perspective,
yet we save the doom and gloom pessimism for ourselves.

Setting the feast for others,
and telling ourselves that we deserve to eat last,
the crumbs or nothing.

Well, I’m inviting myself to the feast,
because I want to hear from you.

I want to know your story.
How are you doing? What are you afraid of?
What have you always wanted to do or say but have never been able to?
Or just, what are you thankful for today?

Join me at this table, and tell me about it.
Tell me anything.

And then, can I write something for you?

Share your story here.

*Feel free to submit more than once,
when it feels right to you.

Thank you for sharing with me.
I feel inspired by all of you.



Gina Y

Storytelling for a more empathetic world. I like words and people. Oh and butter, cultured butter.