Nagaokakyou Hill Homicide(長岡京ワラビ採り殺人事件)

Yumio Katsumata (勝又弓雄)
3 min readSep 27, 2022


Tonight, let’s dig “Nagaokakyou Warabi-dori Satsujin Jiken(長岡京ワラビ採り殺人事件)=Nagaokakyou Hill Homicide” deep. On May 23rd, 1979, 2 housewives were mercilessly murdered in Nagaokakyou, Kyoto. Their bodies were dumped on a local hill.

The victims: Eiko Akashi(明石英子, 43) and Keiko Mizuno(水野恵子, 32), coworkers in the local supermarket “Izumiya(イズミヤ).” That day, they went to a local hill to reap “Warabi(ワラビ)=Bracken.”

After the two finished their morning shift from 6am to 10am, they purchased bento and went to a hill with their bicycles. Witnesses said the last time they saw the two was around 11am.

The two didn’t return that day. The husbands asked the police to search for the two. Yet, despite 30 officers being deployed, no trace was found on the 24th. On the 25th, 120 local residents cooperated.

On the 25th, around 10:30am, the two’s bodies were found near the hilltop. Akashi was strangled to death, and Mizuno was stabbed to death. Yet, no money or belongings were robbed.

From the autopsy, the two were murdered on the 23rd, around 2pm. Akashi had over 30 bruises, and Mizuno had over 50. Akashi’s rib was shattered, and her liver was ruptured.

A kitchen knife was stuck on Mizuno’s body, and human skin hair was found. Also, bodily fluid was detected inside Akashi’s body. Both pieces of evidence were from a blood-type “O” person.

A memo, “オワレている たすけて下さい この男の人わるい人(I’m StaLKed, pLEAse helP, THis gUy iS BaD),” was found from Akashi’s pocket, written on a receipt from “Izumiya.”

Yet, no pencil to write that abstract memo was found. The only crime scene evidence was a kitchen knife on Mizuno’s body. This local hill’s security level was low, which lured rape cases.

A middle-aged man with a kitchen knife was seen on this hill in 1978, asking local people, “Can reap?” Yet, no other crucial info regarding the suspect was reported. The investigation was cut in 1994.

On May 15th, 1984, in the same city, a local housewife “K”(48) was stabbed to death, wrapped in a futon, and her body was burnt, at her home. The police tried to relate this homicide to that 1979’s case.



Yumio Katsumata (勝又弓雄)

A Japanese writer/interviewer in California. Complementary blog account for my Twitter( Hope you enjoy my longer writings.