How to bridge MCHC to MCH Verse

MCH Verse
May 10, 2024


Basic Information of MCHC

Ethereum (Native): 0xd69f306549e9d96f183b1aeca30b8f4353c2ecc3
Polygon: 0xee7666aacaefaa6efeef62ea40176d3eb21953b9
Oasys: 0x5B1CC635E524cAbb63a581c050C895534755F297
MCH Verse: 0x9e5AAC1Ba1a2e6aEd6b32689DFcF62A509Ca96f3

Please find more information about MCHC here.


Please check the latest status from the followings.

Coin Market Cap:

Bridge MCHC

Bridge MCHC from Ethereum or Polygon to Oasys

Celer Bridge:
Celer Bridge via Tealswap:

Note: Since MCHC is natively issued on Ethereum, there is no liquidity limit for bridges through Ethereum. However, the bridge between Polygon and Oasys depends on the liquidity provided by third parties, including users, to determine the amount that can be bridged. When performing a bridge, pay close attention to liquidity.

Bridge MCHC from Oasys to MCH Verse

Oasys Official Bridge:

Note: Bridging to MCH is only possible via Oasys.



MCH Verse

MCH Verse is the Verse Layer scaling Oasys for games.