Life is a river.

2 min readMay 13, 2023


Life is like a winding river that flows through the mountains and valleys, carving its way through the land and shaping the landscape. It is constantly changing, sometimes slow and gentle, other times fast and turbulent, but always moving forward.

One day, a young girl was hiking in the mountains and came across a stream. She followed the stream, marveling at its beauty and the way it curved around rocks and flowed through narrow gorges. As she walked, she thought about how much the stream reminded her of life.

Just like the stream, life can take unexpected turns, sometimes leading us through rough and challenging terrain. But just like the stream never gives up, we too must keep moving forward and embrace the obstacles that come our way.

The girl continued along the stream, watching as it joined with other streams and grew into a powerful river. She realized that just as our lives are interconnected with those around us, the river was made stronger by the other streams that flowed into it.

As she continued her hike, the girl encountered a waterfall. She watched as the water cascaded over the rocks, creating a beautiful spray of mist. The waterfall reminded her that sometimes we need to take a leap of faith and embrace the unknown. We need to jump off the edge and trust that we will land safely, just like the water does when it plunges over the edge of the waterfall.

Finally, as the girl reached the end of her hike, she saw the river flow into the sea. She realized that just as the river merges with the ocean, our lives are part of a greater whole. We are all connected, and our actions have an impact on those around us.

Life is like a river, constantly flowing and changing. It can be challenging, but it can also be beautiful and rewarding. And just like the river, our lives are part of something greater than ourselves. We must embrace the journey, stay connected with those around us, take leaps of faith, and trust that everything will work out in the end.




Hi it's me I'm yumna and I like writing no scratch that I love writing and I hope you love reading my work as much as I love writing it<3