Guy Code

Yum Yum Confidential
5 min readSep 25, 2020


Guy Code Source: Yum Yum Confidential

Guys, it’s the ultimate taboo. You don’t fuck his girl or any girl he fucked and had feelings for. The woman that change that for me was Kellie. Kellie was a dark skinned, beauty from the island of Jamaica. 34' 24' 36. I love the plumb ones. My best friend and I met Kellie on a vacation trip to the islands in early spring. She was on the beach at our hotel. As faith would have it, i saw her first. Pointed her out to my best friend and we agreed that we both wanted her. But because i had seen her first, i got the first crack at getting in her panties.

I approached her and gave her my best lines, but she turned me down cold. My friend then took his shoot and in minutes they were smiling and googling after each other. He gave me the signal that he was good, so i left and walked down the beach to look for my own Kellie. After a few hours in went back to the room and as i put my key in the lock. I heard the sounds of passionate sex coming from inside. I couldn’t resist. I quietly sneaked inside and i could see my friend was naked and pounding, who i could now see was Kellie. I mean he was beating it up. He was putting in work. She looked at me and smiled before again focusing on taking that dick. From that point they were inseparable. We returned home and a week later, i went over to my friends house and to my surprise Kellie was there. My friend had caught island fever and imported her to stay with him.

Slowly, he began to drift away from me. He spent every free moment with Kellie. He got her a job working at his firm, just to have her close. I moved on with my life and would only see my friend every now and then. That brings me to the present. The other day i was by the mall, when i saw Kellie, as usually she was her fine self. She came over to me and hugged me and we share small talk. The she said asked me how was friend. I told her she should know, i hadn’t seen him in months. She told me that they broke up because he was smothering her, they had nothing in common after the sex got stale.

Now, like i said up front, where i was about to go, no guy is supposed too. But, this was Kellie, she was mine first. So i invited her to lunch and we had such a good time at lunch we agreed to dinner that following night. The night of the date i headed to Kellie’s. I called her and told her that i was moments away. She told me to blow on my arrival and she would come outside to me. She had a room-mate and didn’t want her knowing who she was going out with. As i pulled up to her apartment to collect her, my heart skipped a beat as i saw my friend sitting in his car. I contemplated just passing and calling the date of, but again, It was Kellie and he had his chance. I wanted mine. So i pulled up to her curb and blew my horn. She came out walking that walk that i fell for on that Jamaican beach.

As she came to my car, i saw my friend get out of his and stood by his drivers door. The look on his face as recognized me was shock. He shouted “How could you bro.” Kellie got in and we drove off to our date. Neither of us spoke about my friend. We went on our date and had a great time. As we left the restaurant, Kellie placed her hand on my dick and started rubbing it until she felt my growing. “I want this cock, ya see. Lets go by you. end this night right.”.

When we got to my place, she made me take a shower. When i came out she was laying on my bed butt naked. She was playing with her clit and squeezing her breast. i went over to her and stick my tongue inside that beautiful balded pussy and i licked with the vigor of a man was eating a meal after a long starvation. She would moan, but it was the sound of that island accent as she was say my name and call out for me to “eat that pussy mon. Lord God.” i licked and licked and she moaned and groaned and arched her back so hard i though she was going to break it. I grabbed my hard cock in hand and i rammed it inside her pussy. She screamed and i stroked harder and harder and harder. This pussy was mine and i was taking it. I put her legs over her head and i gave her all my cock. I was in heaven. “put it in my ass man, fuck my ass.” Using the juices from her pussy i ease my cock inside her tight ass, as she spread her butt checks to accommodate my cock. This took me to another level, i always wanted Anal, but wasn’t brave enough to ask for it. But her i was in my Kellie’s asshole. Stroking and fucking her ass. She was in full pleasure mode. She turned me over and sat on my cock, she road me and i couldn’t hold out anymore. I came so hard inside her asshole, that i though my heart would burst. She kissed me slightly on the check and lay down and fell asleep. I lay there, naked with her and watched as she slept.

I had broken the guy code, the scared taboo had been violated. But let me tell you it was worth the friends i lost since my friend told. Kellie and i have been going strong now for the last three (3) years and our sex life is better than ever. Fuck my friends. Its Kellie. 34" 24" 36".

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