Design Thinking Part 4 & 5

4 min readMay 28, 2020


Prototype and testing, the funniest stage I consider

“The devil is in the detail.”

The phrase that better describes a good UX/UI design. (Maybe all kinds of design)

flower bouquet on hand
Flower bouquet I bought for a friend on her birthday.

Once we had our wireframe done, the fun part came. We tried different colors, we chose the typeface, we searched good images and we put them all together. (Part 1) (Part 1.2) (Part 2) (Part 3)

The original idea of this project is to help the flower industry go through this COVID-19 pandemic. An idea based on attracting potential targets such as men or kids, an idea with ecological philosophy. We tried to stick with the brief but also adding some innovated ideas which are

“personalize your own bouquet” and “using the excess flower to make soups”

also, we added an educational sector for our little consumers to increase their interest in this beautiful sector. And a workshop for actual flower industry targets which is women age 25 to 40.

Gif flower shop
Fysi website prototype

We did 5 testings and the results are quite positive, I would say we took a less risky but a safer route. They mentioned the UI is really pleasant and cheerful, the structure makes sense too.

Nevertheless, fortunately(or unfortunately haha joking) I invited one of my pickiest linguistic friends to take the test who really gave us some useful linguistic advice. It’s interesting how different points of view we focus on when we visiting a web, even how we choose our route from one point to another.

One of the testers always clicked “logo” to go back to the homepage and selected other sectors from the homepage, but rather clicked right above the menu bar. It’s curious and fun to see this.

Also, some testers could easily get to the tasks we set but some just found it hard. It doesn’t mean some of them are stupid, but it shows that

To create a truly friendly website is not as easy as people thought.

How to make 99.99% of users find it easy to use is quite challenging. Even we had three brains, three minds we still couldn’t detect all these possible pain points during our designing process. And this makes UX UI even more fun, it means you can’t stop learning and studying, it means humans are unpredictable and curious animal. This stage prototyping and testing is always my favorite part, I love observing how people naturally move, react, think.

Even if it’s an almost perfect project there are always some details that can be improved. Not to mention it’s a two weeks project, here comes to the improvement.


。The logotype can be more relative to the brand itself

。The personalized flower sector should stand out more rather than hiding in the flower bouquet sector.

。We can add a search icon (I don’t 100% agree with this point, we gave them a task, so it would be easy to just search it. However, when people visit flower shops, they mostly just wander on the web then knowing exactly which kind of flower/plants they want). Also, we should add a phone number.

Carefully using the right words is important. In Fysi, we used “paquete” (package) which in Spanish has many meanings, using “pedido” (order) would be a wiser choice.

。In About us, we can talk about our history, when did this shop start, where do these flowers and plants come from…etc, in order to create a unique relationship with clients. (so-called engagement)

。We can also add the date we would hand in the order, and more videos to create engagement.

All these seem small errors, but

“Many a little makes a mickle”.

Last but not least, I want to special thanks to Fysi team members Angels Dimitri and Gorka Ardanuy Fernandez for these two-weeks hard-working hand in hand (virtually of course haha) with me. And of course not to forget our trainer Pere Feliu for instructing us, pushing us hard to make things right and strong!

Until this stage, I can say it’s the end of this project. But still, just like everything, if you want there’s always a way to extend/improve/continue (whatever word it is) it, step will be modifying the above details:)




Experienced product designer focused on optimizing the conversion rate of digital products.