Portrair of Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Klimt Gustav

How to improve the way we experience art? 1.2

2 min readJun 15, 2020

Research part 2 — interviews (Part 1)

Special thanks to my teacher Samuel and my friend Antoine for sparing their time for me to do these interviews. This is one of the most interesting parts of this project, seeing people talking about their passion with eyes shining!

Interview Samuel Delgado

Here I attach Samuel’s youtube channel.

Interview Antoine Clauzier

Antoine Clauzier and the link he sent to me in the interview Johnbalsom.

To sum up these interviews, both of them found earning a living with what they truly want to do is hard and challenging. Therefore, Sam became an art teacher and Antoine wants to find a stable job as soon as possible which can maintain his life quality and meanwhile continuing to pursue his dream.

With these two interviews and the result from surveys. I created two personas with different backgrounds and needs.


After that, I did 6 insights, HMW, brainwriting, MoSCoW, value proposal.

Value proposal

There is only one rule on slAsh (the name of the app), safe, and quality content. slAsh is an open space where we digitalize galleries and museums. Artists can show their works to people around the world just in one click. Art consumers can travel the art world from home, from school, from supermarkets…anywhere they want! Museums can effortlessly attract more audiences.

It is easy and clear, art is inspired and beautiful. Art shall be everywhere without national boundaries, regardless of any situation (COVID-19).

Artists don’t need to learn how to use Wordpress, Shopify, or compete for Instagrammers. On slAsh, there’s only art, and it’s as easy as Instagram.

This is the end of the research part after all these methodologies which help me to filter ideas, finally got my project idea :)




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