3 natural ways to prevent mosquito bites

Health & Fortune 360
2 min readJul 1, 2022


Note: This article was translated directly from Chinese

The active temperature of mosquitoes is between 22 degrees and 31 degrees, and the most vigorous blood-sucking period is 26 degrees to 31 degrees. From 31 degrees Celsius to 31 degrees Celsius, activities will be stopped during the summer heat period exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. Therefore, at the moment of late spring and early summer, it is the most dangerous time! If you can’t stand the smell of mosquito repellent sprays on the market, and you are worried that the chemical components in mosquito coils and anti-mosquito products are harmful to the human body, you might as well try using coffee grounds for aromatherapy! In addition, there are geranium potted mosquito repellants, and homemade natural mosquito repellent using cloves! If you can’t stand the smell of mosquito repellent sprays on the market, and you are worried that the chemical components in mosquito coils and anti-mosquito products are harmful to the human body, you might as well try using coffee grounds for aromatherapy! In addition, there are geranium potted mosquito repellants, and homemade natural mosquito repellent using cloves!

3 natural mosquito repellants

1. Coffee grounds
Mosquitoes and many mosquitoes hate the aroma of coffee, so sprinkle dry coffee grounds near your home to prevent bugs from invading. The natural and simple coffee aromatherapy method can replace the mosquito repellent incense.

2. Insect repellent herbs
If there are young children at home and do not want to use insecticides and mosquito repellent sprays, you can place potted plants with mosquito repellent effects. Geranium is a bright and colorful ornamental plant, and it has the nickname of “mosquito repellent”. The smell of citronellol is quite pleasant to people, but it is an odor that mosquitoes hate. In Europe, geranium is even an insecticidal herb that replaces screen windows. , very common. In addition, potted plants of lemongrass, pyrethrum, and peppermint also have the effect of repelling insects and mosquitoes.

3. Homemade natural mosquito repellent
Cloves are a spice with a unique strong smell that mosquitoes and cockroaches dislike. A natural mosquito repellent can be made by yourself. Due to the strong smell of cloves, it can be fully effective even when used outdoors.

