5 Valuable ASO Trends To Follow

Yunus Tas
6 min readJan 26, 2017

There are many app owners which concentrate all their forces on creating the app and they stop in the moment they consider that the app is developed. They don’t take into account a pre — launch strategy and they imagine that the app will promote by itself. After submitting the app on the market, they discover the shocking truth: nobody downloads their amazing app, because nobody knows about it. What can be done now? Is everything lost? Not really. It is not a favorable situation, but there are some important actions that must be done immediately in order to remediate the problem before it is not too late.

1. Search Ads For Better Discovery

First things first, concentrate your attention on the following expression: 63% of app users find apps via App Store Search. This percentage should convince you that app market is a great channel to promote your app. Let’s see how.

Apple Store Search Ads

2016 was the year when Apple launched Search Ads for App Store. This method of advertising allows you to bring your app in front of your users and, in the same time it helps users to discover apps useful for them. The main condition is to make your app valuable enough to reach the podium. It doesn’t matter how huge is your budget because Apple won’t let you advertise your app unless it is a good fit for customers. More tips you can find in our blog post, 5 Useful Tips To Create Apple Search Ads.

Image Source: http://mobtimizers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Apple-App-Store-Search-Ads-US-ASO.jpg

Google Play Search Ads

The same service is available for Android apps since 2015. The native aspect of the ad and the first position in the list will convince users to try your app. If you want to show your app in top of users’ search results you need to follow some steps and we have for you 3 Tips For Creating Search Ads On Google Play.

Image Source: https://adwords.googleblog.com/2015/07/launching-search-ads-on-play.html

Effects On ASO

While you manage to increase visibility for your app, users will discover its value and if the number of downloads is higher, so is your app ranking. This can help you avoid the situation when your app is so low in its category that it is hard even for you to find it.

2. App Indexing Benefits

If you don’t have enough money or you just want to expand your chances for promoting your app then it is a good idea to add App Indexing to your strategy.

What Is App Indexing?

App Indexing is a free service provided by Google where you can make your app appear in Google Search results if you use Deep Linking. If a person is looking for something similar to what you offer, then your app will be displayed in top of the list, along with the site associated. If the user already installed your app, then he is sent directly to the wanted content. Otherwise, he arrives on app store page for downloading your app.

Image Source: https://branch.io/mobile-search/app-indexing/

Benefits For Developers

This is a free way to show your app to people in the moment they are looking for it. It requires a little work but the advantages are amazing. Keep in mind that your app page must be flawless in order to convert viewers into users. More guidelines about App Indexing are available in our article Benefits Of App Indexing.

3. App Reviews Still A Crucial Indicator

Who said that app reviews aren’t important anymore for the success of your app? This is so false. And the graphic pictured by Apptentive proves it.

Image Source: https://www.apptentive.com/

Why Are Reviews So Important?

Reviews have two essential parts. On one hand they offer you useful feedback from organic users, to realize in what direction your app is moving and on the other hand reviews help you to access higher places in the huge list of apps like yours.

Focus On Getting Positive Reviews

Look at the following image. You definitely want to avoid that. There are many techniques to attract positive reviews. The right tone and the perfect timing will do wonders for your app. All the methods that will make users share good opinions are detailed in our previous article How To Get More Positive App Store Reviews.

Image Source: http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/science-technology/605944/Apple-vs-Android-Google-Play-Store-iSheep-Move-to-iOS-App-Review

4. Targeting High Value Users

What is the point of having a huge amount of users during a marketing campaign, just to discover the fact that it drops dramatically after the promotion ends? The entire investment will pay off only if the results will be propagated in time.

Low Retention Rates

Retention is a permanent issue for app marketers, since statistics reveal that last year 23% of users abandon the app after the first attempt. The reasons are multiple: the app is not a good match for their needs, the app is filled with bugs and errors and it crushes or they just forget about it.

Creating User Profiles

There is a unique solution for all the above problems. Knowing your users will help you to increase retention rate. User profiles can be created with the help of Customer Relationship Management platforms (CRM) which work similar to cookies for browsers. As their name suggests these products create a connection between brands and customers. User profiles are formed from the moment the user opens the app until he converts into customer. After that, these profiles can be used to attract more users with high lifetime value.

Image Source: https://www.appboy.com/blog/user-profiles-and-mobile-cross-channel-marketing/

5.More Personal App Descriptions

In the same time, there are many developers that ignore the importance of app description. If you don’t invest a little effort to explain the characteristics of your app, why others should invest their time in trying it?

Add Emotions

It is known the fact that app descriptions influence search rankings. The key in creating an attractive app description is to tell the story of your app. What it does and why is it important for users. People love when they find apps that solve their problems. Besides the usual keywords, a new trend in this area is to add Emoji to your content, when you talk about your app. They emphasize your ideas and impress the reader.

Image Source: https://appradar.com/4-valuable-aso-trends-in-2016-you-should-also-focus-next-year/

Final Thoughts

It is very hard to keep your app on the wave with the overcrowded mobile world which is in a continuous expansion. Ignoring the issues will not make them go away, but if you are decided to do whatever stands in your power to reach better performances then you can follow our directions for moving your app toward success.

