Javascript Abstract Method with ES6

Yuri Bett
1 min readJan 7, 2017



I’ve been working with Java as back-end since 2009, and abstract classes and methods are pretty nice. How can I create an abstract method (method = function in a class) in my super class that forces an implementation when extending it?

There is no abstract methods implemented in Javascript so far and I am not using something like TypeScript, which I could do it. So a tip is to throw an Error in your super method, because when you implements, it simply overrides the method in the super class.

Here is a very simple example:

I tried to access two methods from my super class. And that was possible, however, the method ‘doSomething’ was throwing me an Error. If I ‘Implement’ this method, I am overriding it.

Here is a new example, implementing those methods:

It is a simple tip, but it will force our programmers to implement what we want.




Yuri Bett

Senior Software Engineer | Technical Lead | Technical Writer - I love everything about Javascript, React.js, Next.js, and Node.js