Word for GetX

Yuri Novicow
Easy Flutter
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2024


Just yesterday I posted this on FlutterDev on Reddit. The post was actively downvoted and then deleted in less than 24 hours with the explanation that it started an inflammatory discussion. And suggestion that if I want to have a discussion about GetX I should word it more politely. I think that post is polite enough and precisely reflects the situation around GetX in the Flutter community. From one side GetX is the most liked package in pub.dev from the other it is assumed to be cool and trendy between Flutter educators and other vocal members of the community to post comments everywhere like “You should never use GetX” without any explanation. Okay, the original post is below.

I have been doing programming professionally for 20+ years. But relatively new to Flutter. I know how to use any state management tool (BLoC, Riverpod, Provider, stateful widget), but prefer GetX.

If you are a member, please continue, otherwise, read the full story here.

Reasons I like it:

  1. It is simple to learn and use. Simplicity in software engineering is very important. Why bricks are cuboid in shape? Because it is the simplest shape possible. KISS and YAGNI are way more important than any other software-building principles.

2. It works. Really. I did not yet find a use case that GetX was not working. Because it does all things together…



Yuri Novicow
Easy Flutter

20 years in software development. Writes about Flutter. Always looks for the most efficient paths. Shares secrets openly.