Study Case — Credit Card Form

Yuri Saback
3 min readFeb 19, 2020


Redesigning a credit card form for a local bank in Brazil.

Trying to get a credit card can be frustrating sometimes… and it shouldn’t.

About the project

This project is something I have been wanting to do for a while because I worked at this bank and I never saw any movement to solve it. The current form is too long and ask for a lot of informations that not necessarily are needed to analyze if someone is able to get a credit card or not.

The Problem

Brasilia’s Regional Bank is known for being a little behind from other banks in Brazil when it comes to service and technology. For quite some time they have been using an extensive form which can cause some confusion on how to fill it, if it is correct or not, and so on.

Even after filling the form, the new client never gets any kind of message or confirmation that their application is being verified by the company. No e-mail, no text message, no app push… nothing…

Facts To Think About

But before thinking about on how to solve this problem, we must look at some data from Brazil’s population according to the CNDL (National Confederation of Storeowners) :

1 — On every ten credit card users, 2 are using a digital bank;

2 — One third of consumers do not know what their credit card limit is;

3 — From all users, 96% do not know about their credit card fares;

With those three facts we can think about how the population is dealing with this payment method and realize that information is the key on making something different than the rest of the major banks.
That is why fintechs are growing so much in the past years, they are transparent on your spending, how you are spending and what is being charged in your account.


Thinking on a solution that makes people download their app and get all the information with push notification on their smartphones, it was best for the project to be designed on the BRBCARD app.

High Fidelity Protoype

Click here to test the prototype


With the increase of digital banks in the past years, companies that are not up to the challenge of evolving technologically for the customers are going to face serious problems. The bar on services and products is being raised every day and that is why we have to keep up with all new forms of doing this kind of business.

With this proposition we can still grow the number of app users too, by using the form inside the BRBCARD app you keep the new customer in touch with everything they need (status of the credit card, new solicitations, notification of new purchases, etc).

