What Is The Difference Between Leadership And Management?

Yuri Vanetik
2 min readJan 29, 2020

As our business world has continued to evolve, the concepts of leadership and management have remained an important aspect of long-term success. Both leadership and management are vital aspects to a company and its long-term success. While many people may think that leadership and management are the same, there are several distinct differences to know about.

To begin, it is important to look at what a leader is defined as. A leader is known as someone who helps lead a group to achieve a specific goal. In business, a leader is a person who not only creates or goals to help them achieve long-term success, but they bring innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. Leaders help lay the foundation of a company’s vision and helps to establish the plans to achieve their vision moving forward.

Management, on the other hand, is heavily involved in implementing the processes that will help the company achieve long-term success. When a goal is established through leadership, it becomes the responsibility of management to determine how the goals will be achieved. Working with their employees, management can establish systems and make adjustments as needed moving forward. This is an especially important role in a company’s success because they are able to improve processes to make them as efficient as possible.

Because of the difference in how leadership and management functions, it is not surprising to learn that their skills will vary as well. For example, because of the responsibilities that leaders have, it is important that they are able to delegate different responsibilities. Strong leaders understand that they may not always have the skills needed to accomplish something, so they will hand it off to someone who is better equipped.

While managers should have an understanding of how to delegate, it is also crucial for them to have strong organizational skills as well. Because managers are typically responsible for other employees, they must be able to keep everything properly organized. This skill becomes especially important when a manager overlooks more than one employee.

Leadership and management are both vital parts of any company’s long-term success, bringing important skills to the table. They work together to ensure that the company and its employees are reaching their maximum potential.

Originally posted on YuriVanetik.net.



Yuri Vanetik

Yuri Vanetik is a financier and political coalition builder. He’s committed to causes related to the arts, health, and education. http://yurivanetik.net