Global security system

Worldwide crypto democratic party for peace

Yury Novikov
4 min readNov 14, 2022

Right now, in the 21st century, a bloody and stupid military conflict is unfolding on our planet. And it seems that the efforts of the UN were not enough not only to prevent it, but even to stop it.

We see terrible news that makes many feel powerless, desperate and hatred towards the aggressors — a hatred that will sooner or later lead to a new wave of violence.

We know how many people support refugees or participate in anti-war protests.

We also know those who believe that wars have always been and will always be.

But is that a reason not to do anything?

After all, we know that the vast majority of people do not want to fight. Even within the aggressor countries.

So can we do something significant? How can we make life on our planet safe and prosperous?

I will tell you how to create a global security system on our planet using DAO.

Why are current initiatives not working?

Too bureaucratic

The only organization currently dealing with global security issues is the UN. However, it is not a force capable of essentially resisting nuclear-weapon states. It is a platform for communication between states. All decisions and initiatives that are taken in the UN are very indirectly related to the will of the people — and only to the extent that the will of the people is represented in the governments of the participating countries.

Too slow

In itself, the political process in all states is slow. It takes time to choose a government, develop a position, and finally present this position to the UN. Wars break out quickly. An organization like the UN is not capable of responding quickly to threats. It can only deal with the consequences.

Lack of trust

The UN headquarters is located in the territory of one of the member countries. Many people who are exposed to nationalistic views and propaganda are distrustful of an organization that is located on the territory of only one of the countries and is financed for the most part by it. Yes, this is ignorance, and this ignorance is so dangerous that it becomes a real threat in the hands of the propagandists of the aggressor countries.


Even within the governments and troops of the aggressor countries there are people who do not want war and are ready to resist. But they are alone. They are built into the vertical of the state machine and often they are limited in their ability to resist the system.

I summarize: there is no international organization in the world that everyone could trust, whose participants and active members could be everyone who would purposefully deal with issues of maintaining peace and would be able to respond quickly — so as to prevent new senseless victims.

In the corporate world, there is a model of matrix management: on the one hand, employees of companies are built into the hierarchy of their functional department, and on the other hand, they can be participants in a target project. This model increases the flexibility and speed of the company’s response to market changes and threats.

On planet Earth, there are now only state departments with their own administrative verticals, but there is no horizontal target project for maintaining peace.

That is why I propose to humanity to create an International Peace Party: a community based on blockchain technology, whose goal is to maintain global security.

It is the first organization in the world that:

1) Provides transparency and trust through the use of blockchain. It is precisely due to the fact that not a single operation can be canceled or corrected that the blockchain guarantees that, for example, elections held on the basis of the blockchain are genuine. Anyone can count the results of the vote. You can steal the keys from one, two people. But it is impossible to massively falsify the results of transactions.

All activities carried out by the participant on the platform are recorded and verifiable. Any initiatives, statements, changes in documents and votes — everything is recorded once and for all. Let’s say someone made a mistake and can cancel the decision — but this will be a separate transaction

2) All participants are equal: no matter who you are — a journalist, a politician, an official, a military man, an engineer, an entrepreneur — the weight of the voice of each person in each country will be equal. Thanks to this, the internal democratic process will bring together all people who are ready to invest time and effort to develop non-trivial and creative solutions that can prevent wars.
Wars are not started by one person. There are many people within the state systems who are against it. But they are alone. And they obey only their own bureaucratic vertical. In the event that they may be members of the international community whose task is to prevent the outbreak of war, they would not feel lonely; knowing their structure from the inside, they would be able to make valuable proposals on initiatives to prevent the threat of military conflict; being participants in an organized process, they could sabotage the threats of unleashing war on the ground in accordance with the program adopted by the peace organization.

We will create an e-community supported technically by transparent technology that cannot be manipulated in principle, we will define the purpose of peacekeeping, and we will launch a democratic process where the members of the organization themselves determine their structure, necessary committees, initiatives, strategies, and budgeting. Initiatives don’t matter — members can choose to pay the organization’s agents around the world, or set up technical mechanisms to enforce the organization’s decisions.

Any person on the planet, striving to preserve peace, can become an equal member of this organization. Journalists, scientists, military, engineers, teachers, civil servants or politicians can participate. The main thing is to unite the efforts of people striving for peaceful coexistence and development. We will do this by creating a space for them to make decisions and act quickly.

Shout out to Elon Musk, who hopes to save humans from extinction by colonizing Mars. However, I believe that we, as inhabitants of this planet, can protect ourselves from the threat of self-destruction.



Yury Novikov

Software engineer, R&D lead, philosopher and entrepreneur