Dreambooth Training (JoePenna) on Google Colab

A Guide To Running Joe Penna’s Dreambooth Stable Diffusion On Google Colab

11 min readApr 14, 2023

Note : This is now a member-only story. However if you join the Stable Diffusion Training Discord Server, and ask me there (@yushan.777), I will give you a Friends link to view with free access.

Table of Contents

Cell: Clone & Download Repository
Cell: Build The Environment
Cell: Navigate Back To The Directory
Cell: Download the 1.5 SD model With Improved VAE
Cell: Download Regularization (class) Images
Cell: Training Images
Cell: Training
Cell: Save Model in Google Drive
Other Notes
Max Training Steps
Training Images
Regularization Images
Who is Joe Penna?

Updated: 9th May 2023

Google Colaboratory is probably the lesser-used JoePenna Dreambooth notebook but deserves to be covered as it is probably the easiest and…




No Click-Baity stuff! This is just my own journal so I can remember how I did stuff 🙂