Installing go modules from Github repository

Yussuf Shaikh
1 min readJul 15, 2020


First Thing First

For building Go projects we need to install the Go binary. The official installation document is a great place to look at. Also, you will need to set the GOPATH environment variable.

The Magic Command

go get -u

Option -u instructs ‘get’ to update the module with dependencies.

Note that the module path is without the HTTP(s) protocol.

UPDATE 14th Jan 2022:

From Go version 1.18go get command will no longer install the packages. Make use of go install instead.

Building and installing packages with get is deprecated. In a future release, the -d flag will be enabled by default, and 'go get' will be only be used to adjust dependencies of the current module. To install a package using dependencies from the current module, use 'go install'. To install a package ignoring the current module, use 'go install' with an @version suffix like "@latest" after each argument.

How does it work?

This will pull the source at $GOPATH/src/ on the machine.

The final binary can be found at $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-ibm

Again, to find where is the $GOPATH ?

go env GOPATH


