My Sleep Time Feels Shorter

2 min readFeb 16, 2023


sleep time

Sleep is a time to rest the body that has been tired during the day. Each person has their own sleep time. Some usually sleep at the beginning, some sleep at the end of the time, and some even like to stay up late.

I’m currently classified as someone who likes to sleep early. Not because I don’t want to join the others. But, this body is really tired. This morning, I cleaned up the yard from the bamboo and wood pieces.

It is precisely at this time that is most important in my life, to feel loved. Not that I expect to be favored. It’s just that, at least asked how he was doing. That too has eased the burden of the mind a little.

Especially tonight, the kids are around playing in the room, which should have allowed me to rest earlier, but was delayed until I gave the opportunity until 10 o’clock.

If you ask me, I’m tired, I want to rest. I thought you guys were just accompanying me to sleep in my room. But instead you played games. It’s fun to play games, it makes your heart happy.

I can’t get angry either. Why get angry at you. It’s useless, it just makes me even more annoyed and want to sleep immediately.

Actually, there are many pent-up things I want to say, maybe next time a new face will appear and become an inspiration for me.

Sometimes, I want to leave the room first, so I can prepare for an early night. After you enter the house, I’ll go back to my room to rest.

