Published inUX CollectiveWhy “product” might become obsoleteCompanies like Google and Apple are constantly raising the bar on products by putting the customer/user at the center. They are constantly…Nov 10, 20191Nov 10, 20191
Published inThe CapitalOversimplified: What The Heck Is Blockchain?By Yusuf Olalere on ALTCOIN MAGAZINENov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019
Google News App — A Biased UX ReviewWhat started as a normal UX review became biased when I discovered I love the Google News App too much to write an honest review about it…Sep 15, 2019Sep 15, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorChatbots: Humanlike or Fake Humans?Hey wanabee, are you now human or still a bot?Jan 28, 2019Jan 28, 2019
On a blank sheet of the future, I see some people holding out their pen eager to write AI into exis…Technology is almost an illusion, something that looks, sounds and feels real only that it is not. Humans can’t fly but planes move us…Dec 27, 2017Dec 27, 2017
Success by Sleep DeprivationSeriously you need to chill. The world is going no where and moreover you are still young. Why do you keep running after the success of the…Oct 1, 2016Oct 1, 2016
Where is God?“THERE IS NO GOD” says some people. Some say “GOD IS IN ME”, while others say “GOD IS EVERYWHERE” and some others point to something and…Sep 13, 2016Sep 13, 2016
#XUXD: The end (Day 7)Its been a nice 7 days. Today is my last day of writing about my experiences about UX design.Aug 9, 2016Aug 9, 2016
#XUXD: Design for User Experience (Day 6)Today I found something shocking and suprising. I found a writeup which stated there is nothing called UX design. It backed it up with the…Aug 7, 2016Aug 7, 2016
#XUXD: Learnability (Day 5)Reading about learnabiltiy in UX design made me remember those Java games we played some years back. Its so funny how we launch the games…Aug 6, 2016Aug 6, 2016