Mastering Entity Framework Core: Configure Entity Framework

yusuf sarıkaya
7 min readMay 28, 2024

In this blog series, we’ll look at the Entity Framework Code First strategy, giving a concrete explanation and real-world examples. Since deciding to write a blog series about Entity Framework’s Code First technique, I’ll include some common entity framework general topics, including query data, speed optimization, and logging in the next articles in this series.

What is the Entity Framework Core Code First?

Entity Framework Core code first approach allows you to generate database objects (tables, views) from .NET types like classes. Once you create your entity model in your code, you can apply migrations to generate the database. As you make changes to your entity types, you can update the migrations to evolve your database schema. This entity type model enables communication with the database for retrieving and saving data. This bridge between your objects and the relational database is called an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM). The following picture demonstrates a simple ORM operation.

The ORM tools, help you to match your code artifact like class to the database provider object such as table.

