CASE STUDY: How we turn webinar sign-ups cost from $15 to $2 In 1 day.

Yuval Mann
3 min readJan 8, 2018

So you have a great webinar in place, you’re getting 3–20% Conversion and your audience love the beautiful value you give them for free and are willing to purchase what you offer — GREAT JOB!

Seriously, great job, that’s an awesome asset you can keep using for profit generation on an automatic pilot for a long time now.

what I am about to show you is a simple method I use that will help you lower the cost per subscriber, which will help you make even more money from this webinar.

I use this method for countless clients accounts in many different verticals and it ALWAYS works perfectly.

Wanna hear? here it is!

I don’t know if you’re familiar with the term ‘audience temperature’, but what it basically means is that there are 3 different kinds of audiences that you’ll be targeting using paid ads:

‘cold audience’, are those who have never heard about you before, ‘warm audience’ are those who have heard about you, your brand/company, and got some great value from you for free,

and there are ‘hot audience’ which are those who have already purchased something from you and got amazing results\value and are happy with their purchase and will praise your name.

The messaging, the way you approach each of these groups is VERY different, and you’ll do a much better job as a marketer/business if you will keep it in mind while crafting your messages.

When it comes to subscribing to your webinar, there are much higher rates of subscribers in a much lower price (which usually comes together), when you target your webinar landing page to a ‘worm audience’, make sense right? they have already known you, trust you, and got value from you, they are much more willing to get some more.

Taking the TIME to listen to your webinar is no less important currency then giving you their money, remember that, and appreciate that!

So how do you ‘warm-up’ cold audience before asking them to join your webinar?

the answer is: content, give them this free value.

Do your research, think about what problems\issues\wants your ideal audience is searching for, and create it for them.

It can be a blog post, video, gamification (quizzes are proving to work really well), the media you use are far less important than actually delivering relevant value.

obviously, in our case the goal is to subscribe them to a webinar, so create content that is in congruency with your webinar.

For example, one of my dearest clients is a successful Life design coach that specialized in handwriting analysis (this shit is powerful, no kidding!),

when he came to me, the cost per website subscriber was more than $15.

what we did was, we created 2 blog posts related to handwriting analysis that where both educational and informational, so we where teaching ppl about what it is handwriting analysis and also why they should care and the effect it can have on their lives.

Then we target these blog posts to the exact same audience that you’ll normally target the webinar too, and the results were great! not only we got 3 times more subscribers in a day, also the cost per subscriber dropped from $15 to $2! that’s 80% less, imagine the effect something like that can have on your business.

If you like what you see and want similar results in your business, or need help with brainstorming the right content ideas, feel free to check out my agency’s website and schedule a FREE strategy call with me here >



Yuval Mann

Co-founder at 8HOOK, ICO focused Creative & Marketing Agency // Traveling //