Javascript DSA — 01 : String Reversal

Yuvaraj S
2 min readNov 21, 2023


Let’s tackle the first question of Javascript DSA, question goes like this.

“Given a string, return a new string with the reversed order of characters”

So in this question, we will need to create a function that takes a parameter of string and it should be giving reversed order. ie, input: hello. Output: olleh.

Let’s see our solution one,

In this soultion, we have converted strings into array, and we have reversed array method. Which is easy method.

But in interview, we mostly get a scenario that we shall not be using reverse() method,

Now on to the solution two

Now in our solution 2, we just created a temporary variable and we have reversed using for loop. Which is clear and good.

Sometimes, you know! interviewer ask you are creating a temporary value. Actually you are not suppose to create it. That exactly happend in one of my interview question.

Hence our solution three, would be

I know it is little confusing, this is the trick to achieve the result in a harder way. Well I have one simple way, we can achive the same by using javascript reduce method.

NEXT lesson : Javascript DSA — 02 : Palindrome



Yuvaraj S

Passionate Angular Developer. I post programming content regarding, Frontend Development with working example. ie, Angular, Html, CSS, Javascript