Rxjs Operator 32: first Operator

Yuvaraj S
2 min readOct 18, 2023


Hi my name is Yuvaraj, thank you for showing the massive support for my RXJS series. Today, we will see the first operator in rxjs. I mean it’s just name of the operator is first not the first operator.

Previous Blog
Rxjs Operator 31: elementAt Operator

What is the “first” Operator and What Does It Do?

The “first” operator is, well, not exactly about first impressions or initial encounters. Instead, it’s all about selecting the first item from an observable sequence. It allows you to pluck the very first emitted value and hold onto it, ignoring all the subsequent ones. Here are the key elements of the “first” operator’s story:

  • Item Selection: It’s all about picking that one lucky item from the observable sequence. If you’re into exclusivity, this operator’s got your back.
  • One and Done: Once the first item is chosen, the operator calls it a day and completes the observable. No second chances, no “let’s see if there’s someone better.”
  • Error Handling: If there’s no first item to select (the observable is empty), the “first” operator can be used with an optional second argument to provide a fallback or throw an error.

How to Code the “first” Operator

Let’s see how to use the “first” operator in code:

In this example:

  • fromEvent(document, 'click') creates an observable capturing clicks on the document.
  • The first() operator is applied to the observable, signifying that we want to select the first click event that happens.
  • The selected click event is emitted, and the observable promptly throws in the towel and completes, leaving no room for second-guessing.

Where to Use the “first” Operator

The “first” operator can play a star role in various scenarios, including:

  1. Event Handling: When you’re out to capture a specific event within a series of events, like securing the first click or keypress event from a user.
  2. Data Selection: In data streams, it comes in handy for singling out a particular data point right at the start.
  3. Triggering Actions: When you want to execute specific actions only when a certain initial condition is met.
  4. Error Handling: It can act as a safety net by specifying a fallback value or causing a scene (throwing an error) if there’s no first item to pick.

In summary, the “first” operator in RxJS is your trusty sidekick when you want to select that one, special item right at the beginning of a sequence. Although it might not be the start of a heartwarming love story, it’s perfect for scenarios where “first” is all that matters.



Yuvaraj S

Passionate Angular Developer. I post programming content regarding, Frontend Development with working example. ie, Angular, Html, CSS, Javascript