27 Amazing Call-To-Action Case Studies With Key Takeaways And Examples

Yuvraj Pratap
8 min readFeb 17, 2019


Originally published here: https://yuvrajpratap.com/call-to-action-examples/

Your call to action buttons are the ultimate low hanging fruit that you can optimize and see immediate results in conversions.

Even minor tweaks can result in huge changes in conversion rate.

I have collected 27 experiments performed on call to action buttons by authority websites such as HubSpot, Unbounce, and Copyblogger. These A/B tests will give you new actionable ideas. You don’t need to Google anything further as you have all the examples from all top sources collected in this one post

#1–31.03% increase in conversion by tweaking the button copy

Key takeaway: Adding a clear benefit to the call-to-action increases both the value and relevance conveyed by the copy. “Get started” part represents a tangible benefit to the potential customers.

Source: Unbounce

#2 — Value + Relevance = More Conversions

Key takeaway: To optimize your CTAs ask yourself what is my prospect’s motivation for clicking this button? And what is my prospect going to get, when he/she clicks this button?

Source: Unbounce

#3–213.16% increase in conversion by making the copy more relevant

Key takeaway: Make the call-to-action more relevant to the specific conversion scenario and increase conversions. In this case, location is a very important factor, when deciding on a gym membership. The above change resulted in 213.16% increase in click-through rate.

Source: Unbounce

#4–14.79% increase in conversion by answering “what’s in it for me?”

Key takeaway: CTAs that begin with “Buy”, “Order”, “Click”, “Sign-up”, etc. inherently focus on what you have to do. Coming up with alternatives that start with, “Get” helps you focus on answering the prospects’ number one question, “What’s in it for me?”

Source: Unbounce

#5–35.81% increase in conversion by changing the button color from blue to green

Key takeaway: Button color/design is a visual cue to answer the question “where should I click?” The button should stand out from rest of the page in a way it is easy to spot and click. There are no rules for colors you need to test them.

Source: Unbounce

#6–24.91% decrease in conversion by changing 1 word

Key takeaway: Possessive determiner “my” works better than “your” in CTA copy

Source: Unbounce

#7–90% increase in CTR by changing 1 word

Key takeaway: The use of possessive determiner “my” accelerated decision-making process of the potential customers

Source: Unbounce

#8 — Telling user to “click here”

Key takeaway: Marketing Sherpa performed this experiment with their newsletter readers. The goal was to find out if the wording used in hyperlinks could make a difference in click-through rates. The CTRs are displayed above.

Source: Copyblogger and Marketing Sherpa

#9–34% increase in conversion using click triggers

Key takeaway: Variation-C gave 34% more conversion by adding two click triggers — 1> An anxiety-reducer related to credit cards 2> The other a key benefit of the solution

Source: Copyblogger

#10–24% increase in conversion using the first person approach

Key takeaway: Treatment-B CTA is more personalized and explains a tangible benefit this motivates the user to click through

Source: Copyblogger

#11–304% increase in conversion by changing the location of the CTA

Key takeaway: Usually above the fold is necessarily the best position for your call-to-action. The CTA should be placed where it best compliments the decision-making process of your prospects. Generally, complex product/offer should have CTA towards the bottom of the page. So that the user has all the information before taking a decision for a complex product/offer.

Source: Copyblogger, MichaeLaagaard.com

#12–12.29% decrease in conversion by removing a design detail

Key takeaway: Small design details like a green arrow can help make your button stand out and draw your prospects’ attention to it thus increasing conversion.

Source: Unbounce

#13–10.56% decrease in conversion by making the button bigger

Key takeaway: Bigger is not always better

Source: Unbounce

#14–19.47% increase in conversion by adding the word “guarantee”

Key takeaway: Adding the word “guarantee” increased the conversion by 19.47%

Source: Unbounce

#15–18.70% decrease in conversion by using the sentence “we will never spam you”

Key takeaway: Adding the word ‘spam’ in “We don’t spam” reduced the conversion by 18% as the users start to think that they can be spammed if they sign up

Source: Unbounce

#16–852% increase in conversion by reducing the friction

Key takeaway: Logic Inbound tested changed their primary call-to-action primary call to action from “Schedule a Tour” to “Start Your Free Trial.” The 3-day free trial would allow a guest to simply show up and start using the space, rather than having to first schedule time for a tour. Offering a free trial turned visiting the space into a gift instead of a chore. The 3-day pass option converted at 25.71%, while the previous version converted at 2.67% an 852% increase over the previous offer.

Source: Optinmonster

#17–35% increase in conversion by going against the industry norm

Key takeaway: The SmartShoot call to action case study tested the industry standard term of “Post a Project” against “Get a Quote” and even though the industry standard had “it’s Free” under it, the “Get a Quote” call to action boosted conversion by a whopping 35%. Sometimes it really does pay to go against the established industry norm!

Source: converted.co.uk

#18–40.6% increase in signups by answering the “what am I getting?”

Key takeaway: The ‘Learn more’ is in CTA answers “what I am getting?” or “I want to …..” while the second CTA (sign up) tell the user what I have to do. Therefore the ‘learn more’ CTA resulted in 40.6% increase in conversion which amounted to $60 million additional funds raised

Source: webpagefx

#19–738% increase in conversions by making the process more convenient for the users

Key takeaway: Scheduling requires users to go into their own calendar and consult when they’re free and can match your company’s schedule.To make the conversion more convenient, the company created a demo video that was available for download. This resulted in 735% increase in conversion by reducing friction.

Source: MOZ

#20–26% increase in clicks by adding directional cue

Key takeaway: Directional cue helps uses to decide where to click and improves conversion

Source: MarTech

#21 — Create curiosity to get user attention

Key takeaway: The CTA creates curiosity as we don’t know what offers would unlock but we are promised early access!

Source: HubSpot

#22–42% increase in conversion by using personalized CTAs for different target segments

Key takeaway: Personalizing CTAs each for a different type of target audience and improved the conversion by 42%

Source: HubSpot

#23–17.18% increase in conversion by adding a text link CTA to product overview pages

Key takeaway: This example is taken from a Danish e-commerce site that sells car care products. The site features bundles consisting of a variety of different products. The product overview pages showing the bundle packages only feature an, “Add To Basket” button. This means that potential customers are being asked to add to product to the basket before they really know what the offer consists of.Ask for the right action at the right time. It’s natural that prospects need to have a look at what the offer consists of before they are ready to make the decision to add it to the basket.

Source: ContentVerve

#24–232% increase in lead generation by clearly stating the value proposition and reducing clutter

Key takeaway: The above change strengthened the value proposition and reduce clutter around the CTA this resulted in 232% increase in conversion

Source: VWO

#25 — Text CTAs and internal links get maximum clicks

Key takeaway: People tend to develop “banner blindness,” while text-based CTAs don’t look like ads.Readers rarely make it to the end of a blog post, so showing relevant CTAs sooner is more effective. Relevant anchor text CTAs give visitors exactly what they were searching.

Source: HubSpot

#26 — CTAs of Facebook

Key takeaway: This data is from the 1-month review of Adroll advertisers running facebook campaign with CTA buttons

Source: Adroll

#27–371% increase in email CTRs by reducing the number of call to action buttons

Key takeaway: The number of call to action buttons were reduced from 3 to 1 and CTAs were decluttered. This made the decision process to click easier and resulted in 371% increase in click-through rates.

Source: Copyblogger

Hope you got a lot of value from the examples above. Do share the post if you found it useful!



Yuvraj Pratap

I help e-commerce businesses doing a $10K/Month scale to over $50K+/month. 3xecommerce.com