What to do during NIPS 2018

Yuxi Li
4 min readNov 17, 2018


NIPS 2018 is approaching. It is very dense. It is desirable to make a good preparation to make the most out of it. I selected NIPS 2018 (RL) Papers to Read, and collected those relevant to Reinforcement Learning in NIPS 2018. In the following, I will talk about my rough plan, and some reflections at the end. This is highly biased towards reinforcement learning (RL).

Day 1: NIPS 2018 Expo (Dec 2)

NIPS 2018 has an industry day Expo program, squeezing lots of great content into one single day. There are two parallel sessions for Talks and Panels, five parallel workshops in the morning and in the afternoon respectively, and nine parallel demonstrations in the morning and in the afternoon respectively.

It must be helpful to break the one day Expo program into two or even three days. Academic research is important; so is industrial research/applications.

I will attend as many Expo programs as possible, and will focus on RL: DL and RL in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Make reinforcement learning in touch with industry, and Deep RL for Online Order Dispatching and Driver Repositioning. It is possible that RL is part of other programs; and it is interesting to see the research/applications of machine learning/AI in industry.

Day 2: Tutorials (Dec 3)

All NIPS tutorials are great to attend. If I have to pick three, I will pick: Adversarial Robustness: Theory and Practice, Unsupervised Deep Learning, and, Automatic Machine Learning.

Day 3-5: Invited Talks, Papers and Demonstrations (Dec 4-6)

The NIPS program is so designed that an invited talk is not in parallel with another program. So we won’t miss them. Joelle Pineau will talk about Reproducible, Reusable, and Robust Reinforcement Learning. Note there is a special Test of Time Award invited talk on Dec 4 at 9:20-9:40.

There are poster sessions twice every day, at 10:45-12:45, and 5:00-7:30. So are demonstration sessions, except for the evening session on Dec 6. Those sessions provide great chances for discussions.

BTW, I attended ACL 2017, and learned that, for ACL, papers selected for oral presentations do not have poster presentations. This is actually a big loss for authors with oral presentations.

It would be very helpful to read some papers before attending the conference. I selected 50+ NIPS 2018 (RL) Papers to Read, and collected those relevant to Reinforcement Learning in NIPS 2018.

Day 6-7: Workshops (Dec 7-8)

Most NIPS workshops are great. I list some below.

Reflecting NIPS 2017 and More

“If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.” (温故而知新,可以为师矣。)

