Going abroad and want to take off with your pets? No problem, here are the raiders for you!

Yvonne Bernard
7 min readJul 18, 2018


When you brought your pet home, you promised that you would pet him, love him and take care of him all your life.


When you go abroad, what should your pet do?

If you promise a lifetime, you have to keep your word. When the owner goes abroad, the pet can also go abroad with the owner.

After all, going abroad is not a simple procedure and transporting pets abroad is more complicated. And even all the formalities are prepared, there are worries about the mental and physical conditions pets may have on the road.

Only by being prepared can pet reach their destination as comfortably and healthily as possible. So, hosts, are you ready for the challenges?

The formalities that take pet to go abroad is quite cumbersome, masters should begin to prepare about half a year in advance commonly.

Different countries have different requirements for pets to enter the country. Please be sure to carefully study the relevant official websites of the target country and carefully study the requirements for entry and exit of pets. (At the end of the article, there are links to relevant official websites of some popular countries.)

Requirements for masters, I’ll show you too.

1.Find out if your pet is permitted species. In Australia, for example, reptiles, rodents, birds, aquatic animals and other pets are not allowed to enter. And even some special breed are forbidden to enter, such as the Argentine Dogo, the Japanese fighting dog, the American Pitbull and so on.

The Argentine Dogo looks like a good fighter.

2. Some destination countries require that animals must be injected with electronic chips, such as European countries, Australia and Japan. In this case, the owner will have to inject an electronic chip into his pet.

Some electronic chips are small enough to be injected

3. Some destination countries need the pets to take a rabies antibody test before the official entry, such as European countries and Japan.

The baby is wronged, but the baby does not say.

4. In some countries, animals may need to be observed for periods of separation, ranging from a few days to several months after entry, sometimes for up to six months. In some countries, animals may even be isolated from third-party countries or regions recognized by the country of entry, and can be transferred only after the quarantine period expires. Countries with longer periods of isolation include Australia, New Zealand and Ireland.

Don’t feel sorry for your pet, he or she knows that a short separation is for a better reunion.

You need to get your pet’s luggage ready before going abroad.

1.Prepare a suitable air box according to the characteristics of your pet’s body type. The size of the pet air box should be appropriate. The general principle is to make the pet feel comfortable during transportation.

First of all, the airbox should be hard enough to prevent pets from being squeezed during transportation. Secondly, the height of the airbox should ensure that the pet can stand normally, and the width and length should allow the pet to turn around and lie down inside. Thirdly, the airbox should be light and ventilated so that pets can observe the outside situation. After selecting the appropriate air box, place the tray at the bottom of the box and place a pad in the tray.

After putting the pet into the air box, the owner should carefully close the door and never let the little guys have a chance to run out. Some smart pets can unlock their own doors. However, during transportation, this skill may allow them to run out of a safe cage and cause unexpected danger.

2. Have a pet ID card ready. Before departure, the owner should indicate the animal’s name, owner’s name, contact information, destination address, etc. on the air box and animal collar, so that the pet can be retrieved as soon as it is lost. However, some cats are very disgusted with the collar, in order to avoid them being caught by the collar during transportation, it is not recommended to temporarily wear a collar for the cat that does not wear it often.

Hello, I want to order a new collar.

3. Food and water are key considerations for keeping your pet comfortable. We recommend stopping feeding about 4 hours before take-off which will help to prevent pets from getting halo. If the journey time is long, it is not recommended to fast and water during the trip, but be prepared: the food bowl should be firmly fixed on the cage to prevent the pet from knocking over the food bowl. About the drinking water, you can choose the cage-type drinking fountain or fill the basin with water and freeze it, let the pet drink melted ice water to avoid the water pouring.

Cage-mounted drinking fountains.

4. Put your pets’ favorite toys or familiar blankets in the air box and the little ones will be greatly comforted. Some pets are particularly dependent on the owner, so you can put a piece of clothing that you have worn for a few days without washing, so that the familiar atmosphere can comfort the little guy with peace of mind.

The familiar atmosphere is the most beautiful taste.

On the day of departure, the master must bring pets to the airport terminal 3–4 hours in advance to check in for pets. Please be sure to bring along all the supporting materials, including the injection record (animal immunization certificate), the official health certificate (animal health certificate) and the customs clearance form.

Ok, I wish you all the best!

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