Lead Generation with Search Box Optimization (SBO) is a Game Changer

Yvonne Wise
5 min readApr 27, 2023

98% of people when they are looking for a service or product begin their search with a browser which can be either Google or Bing.

Many businesses have tried to optimize their own website to be on the 1st page of Google. Usually, a business ends up hiring a SEO company, which can take six or more months to see high placements on search results in organic listing.

Now with Search Box Optimization (SBO) no more having to optimize your website to be found on Google or Bing.

What SBO it is when a consumer does a search and once they start typing in the search box with a business’s keyword that business will show up.

This image is showing the business next to the keyword phrase in the search box

The important point here is SBO is keyword driven and it is not based on a business’ website.

For example, if someone searches service or product and location then Google or Bing will autocomplete the search to that company.

Just image having your business show up on Google or Bing when your customers or prospects start tying in the search box and your business is visible before they even hit enter. That is exciting because they did not see your competition.

A business will show up and have 100% of a customer’s attention, they cannot help but see the business name. The customer is typing in the search box. The search box is the most used part of the search engine. It is also known by other names like autocomplete or auto suggest.

Google says 71% of all search engine users select an auto-complete/ autosuggested keyword.

When a consumer types in that keyword phrase your business will be seen next to the search phrase.

The search box is where people type in what exactly they are looking for whether it is a business, product or service.

If you go to Bing and start typing the following examples:

1. grocery store Minneapolis you will see in the search box Walmart delivers and Walmart superstore.

2. Plumbers Carlsbad you will see hometown plumbing in the search box.

Having your business in the search box lets you leave your competition behind. Because when customer hits enter that entire page is just organic listing about your company. Instead of trying to rank for one spot on Google your business is now the entire page.

Search Box Optimization is based on a keyword phrase not on the website.

Like any other new technology, a business may think how this will benefit my company.

1. The benefit is new customers and leads which is why all businesses do marketing.

Remember everything the consumer does on Google or Bing begins with a search, your business is gaining a powerful advantage over your competitors.

Simply by being the first business a customer sees when they start typing a keyword phrase related to your business or product in the search box a customer does not have to make a choice about what business to choose.

2. The benefit of owning the entire page of the search results.

You know the biggest problem with standard SEO, everyone else is doing it too.

On average a business will get 1–4 calls a week from a SEO business.

Even when a business is sitting at the top of page 1 their competitors are also there too and other competitors are vying for that spot.

With search box optimization not only will your customers only see your company they will not see your competitors. When they choose your business name from the autocomplete box you can own the entire page of search results and no competition.

Remember search box optimization is based on keyword exclusivity. Once a business purchases that keyword another business cannot purchase the keyword.

3. The next benefit of social proof.

With search box optimization not only does your customer see you first, there is no competition.

What customer types for keyword phrase in the search box and your business pops up in the results. The customer will think or assume that everyone is searching for that same product or service and Google or Bing is recommending this business. This is social proof.

4. The next benefit is authority.

Getting relevant traffic to your website is going to help your website ranking

Example: A customer is looking for a lawyer and they type in “Atlanta Lawyer” and they click on the lawyer in the results.

This will signal to Google and Bing that the customer found what they were searching for and Google and Bing will see your website as a trusted place to send more traffic. That is called authority.

5. The next benefit is top of mind awareness

Do you know and it may be your company are spending crazy amounts of money every year to get consumers to remember their name.

Imagine if each time your potential customer or client searches for the keyword phrase in a particular industry they always see your company name associated with it.

The benefit for your business is not investing more money to stay on top of the consumers mind Google and Bing are constantly recommending your business.

As we all know, Google and Bing will remember everything that is done on their site. When that customers click and go somewhere else on the internet when they search again for that keyword phrase they will that same business.

The Search Box Optimization (SBO) on Google or Bing is better than SEO or PPC because your business will only be seen by your potential customer.

Even if your business is doing SEO or PPC, SBO can complement both of those lead generation strategies.

This is a brand-new way to be found on Google or Bing. Once you do this you will look at your advertising in another prospect.

I teach marketing classes to small business and I constantly remind them if the Fortune 500 companies are utilizing a service for their marketing you need to find out how you can utilize that same service in your business.

Don’t wait to jump on this new technology because if you wait, that high-volume keyword that is searched for your business may be sold to your competitor.

Remember this is keyword exclusive and pay on results. Keywords are selling fast. Schedule a demonstration today.

As a Business Growth Consultant my focus is to always look for new technology that can generate leads for a business.

Yvonne Wise






Yvonne Wise

Trainer, Speaker, Author, Owner of Marketing Company. Army Veteran. My specialty is educating small business owners.