Love thy neighbor, or love just everyone — a social experiment for increased happiness

Yvonne Gerner
2 min readAug 26, 2022

Love is reserved for our partners, family and friends.

We like our coworkers, we tolerate the neighbors, and we hate a few people.

When I walk through my city I can often get annoyed by people — they walk too slow, they talk too loudly, they behave in a stupid way.

I’m annoyed by my annoyance.

Today I made an experiment.

What would happen if I just loved everyone I met?

I set out for my 8am walk to the sauna, and looked at people as they passed by. To everyone I said in my mind: «I love you».

Here are my observations:

  • People don’t notice other people. They all walk in their own bubble.
  • No one smiles at 8 am.
  • It was easy to say it to the normal people on their way to work.
  • It was hard to say it to the cluster of drug addicts or the beggar that sits outside the mall.
  • I had not one negative thought for the entire walk.
  • I got happier the longer I played that game.
  • It got easier to notice something specific about each person that I could have complimented on.

Out of the few hundred people I passed 3 met my gaze and made a connection by smiling back at me. The rest either sleepwalked glassy-eyed, or were glued to their phones.

Next time you are out walking, lift your gaze and meet people. You never know who might love you back.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Yvonne Gerner

I write about authenticity, relaxed creation and positive mindset. Let's take your dreams from fantasy to action plan to reality.