Our 4-Week Plank Challenge

Dr.Almos Sajjath
2 min readApr 25, 2021


Our 4 week PLANK CHALLENGE gives you plenty of options:

You’ll have a new plank variation to conquer each day.

By the end of the month, you’ll have built a stronger, more stable core –

Your core is like the foundation of a house: Neglect it, and everything crumbles – your ability to comfortably stand, walk, lift, rotate and more. But keep it strong, and you’re set for life.

One of the best and most beginner-friendly ways to do that is with the simple plank. For Week 1 of the 4-Week Plank Challenge, we’re starting out with some foundational plank variations – and throwing in a few that you may not have tried before – to work the many muscles of your midsection.

How to Join the 4-Week Plank Challenge

Step 1: Keep a written journal & mark ✅ everyday you plank twice

Step 2: Join our Challenge Facebook Group.

Share your progress by posting photos or videos of you planking or simply tell what variation you did .

Step 3: Follow along. Aim to hold each plank variation for 30 seconds twice a day.

If you’re new to planking, hold for even 10 to 15 seconds is a great start!

If you’re more advanced, work your way up to 1 to 2 minutes.


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Dr.Almos Sajjath