How Top Consulting Firms Do Strategy

Yvonne Wang
4 min readNov 23, 2022
Photography by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Some say strategy is vision, others say strategy is process and tactic. It’s one of those things everyone has a different take on.

To pin down what strategy is, I started by looking at how today’s thought leaders — McKinsey, Harvard Business Review, and Monitor Deloitte — see strategy, and I’d like to share those insights with you.

McKinsey’s Take on Strategy

Strategy is…
1. An integrated set of actions to create a sustainable competitive advantage over competitors.
2. A way of thinking, not a procedural exercise or a set of frameworks.

The 4 Lenses Framework

McKinsey believes a firm should look at strategy from four lenses: financial, market, competitive advantage, operating model.

Photography by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

Through the financial lens, we benchmark our financial performance against peers. It’s an objective baseline for us to assess and prioritize new initiatives, and to understand what the future looks like if we follow our current trajectory.



Yvonne Wang

I write about business, entrepreneurship, and growth | Top Writer in Consulting