Michael Kors Social Marketing Analysis

Sparkle_Yi Wu
4 min readJun 13, 2017


Michael Kors is a famous fashion brand across the world. But within increasing competition in fashion industry, is the brand able to maintain attention towards its products? For fashion retailers, knowing and understanding conversation on social media about their brand is the key to success.

Following picture is a clear Michael Kors Social Marketing Ecosystem map. Michael Kors official website is the center of this system. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube are the major social networks, while Pinterest, Snapchat and LinkedIn play as minor social networks.

Paid search engine marketing and Ads on these social platforms are paid media. MSM and blogs are owned media. Social media accounts and SEO are owned media. This map shows us the complexity and flexibility of social marketing ecosystem.

Michael Kors Social Marketing Ecosystem


MK Facebook page is like a comprehensive social hub. It has 16.9 million followers and 3.6% engagement rate. What makes it stand out is that MK Facebook page meets all the needs of customers along their customer journey.

A MK customer goes to MK Facebook page and becomes aware of the new products and latest MK fashion events. And then she finds contents that are featured for her and rich photos and videos, she may like some products. She can use the search function if she wants to find certain products or look for customer comments and she can easily buy online or find MK stores near her just on Facebook page.


Michael Kors relaunched #InstaKors campaign in 2016 to create a more seamless shopping experience for MK Instagram followers. Followers will be able to click on a hyperlink located on the company’s Instagram profile, which automatically directs them to the #InstaKors website.

MK –offers Instagram followers unique deals on products, as well as the opportunity to shop certain looks before they are available in retail stores to the general public. This campaign increases the loyalty of MK Instagram followers greatly.


Michael Kors Twitter account is like a shorter version of its Instagram account. It posts nearly the same content as Instagram, while received much more less likes and comments.

MK Instagram and Twitter Engagement Contraction

Michael Kors Twitter account mostly posts content about new products, MK fashion events, celebrity and text.


Michael Kors does quite a great job in several YouTube Videos — Glamour Games, Michael Kors Smart Watch and MK Wonderlust Fragrance. Views of these three videos are tens or even hundred times more than views of MK Runway show. As I dig deeper into these popular videos, I see the common recipe! Storytelling plus Celebrity=Super Viral Video!

Social Data Comparison

As we can see from this chart, MK Instagram shows highest engagement rate while MK Twitter engagement rate is so low. MK Facebook enjoys the largest follower number and MK Twitter shows the highest posting frequency.

Instagram is great channel for Michael Kors to increase customer engagement and Facebook is the largest channel with high conversion rate. However, MK Twitter account needs more improvement.



Sparkle_Yi Wu

Content Marketing Director|Integrated Marketing|NYU Graduate|happy food explorer|Passionate Runner :)