Why “Always #LikeAGirl” is so successful?

Sparkle_Yi Wu
3 min readJun 6, 2017


— From a content marketing perspective

Always #LikeAGirl generated considerable global awareness, achieving more than 152 million views on YouTube. Why is it so successful as a typical Content Marketing campaign?

I credit this huge success to three aspects: content creation, content distribution and how both integrate into target consumer path.

Firstly, the content creation is valuable, relevant and consistent.

According to Always’ research, 72% of girls feel that society limits them. And during puberty, a girl’s confidence plummets. To solve this problem, Always created valuable videos that change the meaning of “Like A Girl” from an insult to the ultimate compliment! These videos aim to champion girls’ confidence, which is so valuable to target customers and distinguished from competitors.

Besides, puberty girls always feel confused about their first periods and embarrassed to talk with their friends. Always provides relevant tips and advice for them to know more about their periods and how to take care of their body and mind. Moreover, the content is consistent in theme — to help puberty girls champion confidence — no matter what forms they are and what channels they are in.

Always official website

For content channels, Always chose YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for releasing and promoting #LikeAGirl videos. Always also paid influencers to spread videos on the Internet. Always provided tips and advice for puberty girls, and used Google SEO and official website to reach their target customers effectively. Moreover, Always created hashtag #LikeAGirl to encourage its target customers to share their unstoppable stories and engage with the brand on social media. On Always official website, there is a community section for discussion and events about building girls confidence.

Content is king, distribution is queen. And integrating them into consumer path is Kingdom. Always did a great job figuring out the target consumer path (Aware — Appeal — Ask — Act — Advocate) and spread the right content through right channels at each phase of consumer path.

When puberty girls see #LikeAGirl videos on YouTube or Facebook, they become aware of this brand and like this brand because the videos are interesting and touching, empowering them to champion their confidence. Girls feel valued, understood and empowered. They want to know more about this brand and go to Google. They find Always really cares about them , providing useful tips and advice for them and caring about their body and mind after their first period. They find recommended pads for them and decide to try these pads. After using Always pads, they feel comfortable and decide to spread the #LikeAGirl videos on social media to empower more girls like them.

Always creates a Kingdom for puberty girls, empowering them with valuable content and reaching them through effective channels. That’s why Always #LikeAGirl is such a huge success!



Sparkle_Yi Wu

Content Marketing Director|Integrated Marketing|NYU Graduate|happy food explorer|Passionate Runner :)