How I Came to Grow at IUP

Starting New and Moving Forward

Maya David
4 min readSep 16, 2023

Many students from all around the country come to study at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). However, everyone has their own experiences of how they got here, how they are currently performing, and what made them want to come to IUP. Everyone’s reasonings for coming to IUP and their experiences are unique, just like my own. I had several different reasons for deciding to study at IUP. I still have reasons for continuing to want to study here, but they have changed from what they were previously due to my personal experiences at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Touring IUP

When I first came to tour IUP, I was not sure what to expect. I had a couple of upperclassmen that I knew from high school who came to the university. I had heard several positive things about the university before coming to tour it. However, before coming to the campus for the first time, I was only barely considering the school, thinking I wanted to go out of state. When I toured the university though, I was surprised by how everything seemed to fit my criteria. For example, IUP provided both of the majors I was looking into, they were a teaching school, and had the best dorms I had seen. On top of that, IUP happened to be the cheapest school that I applied to, and student loans have been something that is always on my mind. I thought that I wanted to double-major at the time, which the university also offered. IUP is also the perfect environment for those who want the feeling of a large, but still a close community. The university is medium-sized, and not located right in the middle of a major city, which keeps it from feeling overwhelming. Unexpectedly, it was starting to feel like the perfect fit.

Admission and My Personal Experience

It has now been around two years since I decided to go to IUP. I remember how nervous I had felt confirming my admission. It felt like I was signing my life away. Nevertheless, I calmed my nerves by remembering how much closer I would be to home than any other school and how excited I was to experience life at IUP. After I confirmed my admission, I began my online search to meet other students who were planning to attend IUP in the fall of 2022. Luckily, I met my roommate through an IUP Facebook group for the class of 2026. I was unsure about rooming with someone whom I had never met, but we ended up becoming best friends.

Both mentally and academically, I struggled during my first semester. I had issues with my medication that ended up holding me back from doing as well as I could have. With IUP’s resources though, I was able to get back on track during my second semester. IUP offers many different outlets for you to get help. For example, they have a health center, where you can schedule an appointment with a counselor. Academically, IUP provides a writing center, tutoring opportunities, and support from your academic advisor and navigator. Since then, I have been overjoyed and appreciating campus life to the fullest (I even go to bingo every Friday with my roommate).

My Reasons For Staying at IUP Now

The reasons I have for continuing to stay at IUP and the reasons I came to IUP are very different. When I came to IUP, as I mentioned previously, I came for the affordability, environment, and size of the school. While some of these continue to be reasons I attend IUP, the reasons are more meaningful. I continue to attend IUP because of the people I have met, the experiences I have had, and the support I received from faculty when I was struggling. Attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania has undoubtedly changed my life for the better.

