Narrowing down to one topic that I am interested in, I would like to work on something that is good for Chinese motion designers.


Motion designer is a growing community; however, there is a scarcity of resource for them especially in China as the most design platforms are dedicated to graphic design or UI/UX. Although there are plenty of resources in English, such as the School of Motion and Learn Squared, the language barrier has stopped many people from learning.

Problem Statement

How might we create a community platform in China that benefits the Chinese motion designers to help them see, learn, do, share, and grow to become better designers and prosper in life?

User Persona

Insights from the first 2 interviews

  • there are many online course platforms, but none targeting motion design
  • notes taking and homework review are desired functions
  • most of the knowledge about motion design is from outside (Behance, YouTube)
  • Having top players to share is very useful (round tables, podcasts, interviews)
  • “Documentary” — Motion projects from 0 to 1. Learning the process is important

Plan for finding users to talk to

  • Previous students from UISDC (UI, After Effects, C4D students)
  • Some top Chinese motion designers
  • Group chat of UiiiUiii (design tutorial platform)

