Z7 Staking Rewards Airdropped! (For March, 2023)

3 min readApr 28, 2023


Z7 Staking Rewards Airdropped and Burn Completed!

🔥 Z7DAO has airdropped staking rewards to our stakers their staking rewards from Xerxia’s prize pool winnings for March! The start of another official league season! Another season of high hopes coupled with great performances from our Xerxia team! Z7DAO in partnership with Xerxia, is providing value to stakers to come enjoy, cheer and stake their Z7!

As the official season starts again, Z7 holders and stakers can look forward to the prize pools winnings and rewards from this season, with Xerxia showing great potential and performances in March! By continuing to stake and supporting the teams, stakers can benefit from potential prize pool winnings and ongoing staking rewards.

This month’s reward include prize pools from Xerxia Valorant and Xerxia Arena of Valor (AOV/ROV) teams! With continued great performances from the DOTA2 and PUBG Mobile team! The Xerxia DOTA2 has a 85% win rate in the DPC SEA 2023 Tour 2: Division II and earning their promotion into Division 1 (Tier 1) with even greater prize pool winning for our stakers to earn from!

The Valorant team is competing in Thailand’s Tier 1 League (Split 2 : 2023), DOTA2 team in the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC 2023 : SEA), RoV competing in third-party tournaments, and PUBG Mobile competing in the PUBG Mobile Pro League (PMPL) Thailand 2023!

🔥 Don’t forget to come ‘Stake and Cheer’ with Z7DAO! 🔥 80% AIRDROPPED & 20 % BURN!

Stakers who have staked their Z7 will received rewards, and to encourage long-term investments, stakers will continue earning from Xerxia’s prize pools monthly, just by leaving their Z7 in the staking pool. (*Stakers can freely deposit and withdraw from the staking pool anytime, but will be subject to a 5% fee for every withdrawal.)

80% of the Z7 buy-back in the market is airdropped to stakers and 20% is burned! Estimated. The staking rewards are calculated from a percentage (%) of Xerxia’s prize pool winnings in the month of March and used to buy-back Z7 from the market to be burned and airdropped to our stakers!

Z7DAO is dedicated to burning more tokens through our buy-back program, creating utility and burning through transactions on our platforms to reduce the total supply from circulation for deflationary purposes in order to increase the scarcity and value of Z7.

Buyback Transaction History on BSCScan (March, 2023)


Airdrop Transaction History on BSCScan (March, 2023)


Z7 Burn Transaction History on BSCScan (March, 2023)


👉Read our How-To Stake Z7, full guide here:


Come stake and cheer for Xerxia and the organization’s further endeavors in the Esports world!

*Disclaimer: Xerxia is merely a partner of Z7DAO and is not directly related to Z7DAO nor is a subsidiary or shareholder of Z7DAO and vice versa.

About Z7DAO

Z7DAO (Z7) is a decentralized autonomous organization on the Binance Smart Chain created to be a transparent, safe and trustworthy environment for the community and token holders to work together and become owners of their very own Esports organization. With over 2.9 billion gamers in the world, Z7 is the token for all gamers, professional players, fans and investors to form a community, work together and strengthen the relationship between all parties and enrich the Gaming and Esports industry.

Follow us on Twitter, Telegram, Discord, LINE, and Facebook for the latest updates on Z7DAO.




Z7DAO aims to be the â„–1 destination for gamers and crypto investors, creating a pathway to play an integral part in the future of the Gaming & Esports industry