Microsoft Azure Online Resources

All the essential links for Azure in one place

2 min readJul 1, 2017

I will try to list here all the useful links related to Microsoft Azure like management portal, documentation, training and tools.

Management portals:

Azure Portal (the new / modern / Ibiza portal)

Azure Classic Portal (legacy portal but still needed in some case)

Azure subscription management (check your subscriptions and billing)


Microsoft Tech Community Azure (official forum)

Microsoft Azure on Facebook

Microsoft Azure on Twitter


Azure Support on Twitter (free support if you don’t have support plan)

Azure status (health status of all Azure services across all regions)


Azure Resource Explorer (explore Azure resources as “code”) (graphic representation for ARM templates)

Azure Quickstart Templates (ARM templates on GitHub)

PowerShell Gallery Azure RM module

Visual Studio Code (free code editor)

Visual Studio IDE (free community edition)

Learning and training:

Azure Documentation (official documentation portal for all Azure products)

Microsoft Virtual Academy Azure Courses

Microsoft Learning OpenEdx (new learning platform for Azure)

Microsoft Mechanics Azure playlist (YouTube)

Microsoft Azure YouTube Channel

Microsoft Ignite YouTube Channel (not only Azure)

Channel 9 Azure Friday (also published on YouTube)


Azure free trial (currently 200$ for one month)

Microsoft IT Pro Cloud Essentials (training and offers for IT Pro)

Visual Studio Dev Essentials (training and offers for Developers)

