How to create and open an HTML file in TextEdit (Mac)

Zac Banas
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


I was in the process of preparing to create a tutorial and I wanted to throw up a simple HTML form when I found that the HTML file I was creating in the Native Mac text editor was not allowing me to do so. It was showing all of the tags like so

Obviously the browser isn’t reading the markup, so I looked in preferences to what could be the issue and found that the very first item fixes our little issue here. All you need to do is get to the screen below and change Rich text to Plain text, no need to save, just exit.

Unfortunately, these settings won’t take effect on your current work, however all you need to do is create a new document and copy the code from your current project to your new one. Once you save the new file(s), and go to open them up in Chrome they should work just as you’re expecting them to!

Just like that you are set up to write HTML! Make sure you are only writing HTML/CSS because TextEdit is not designed to handle PHP or anything else really.

Happy Coding! Make sure to follow us on @victory_sw on Instagram!

