How can AI development turn against humans? And how can human’s misconduct of its technology lead to the demise of human intelligence?

Zach Elom
4 min readJun 14, 2023

As a literature professor, I have always been captivated by the infinite possibilities of the human imagination. Nowadays, amidst a rapidly changing technologically-advanced world, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a fascinating centerpiece in the story of human advancement. However, just like any other powerful force, the potential of AI to bring about both great progress and serious consequences is undeniable. Thus, in this delicate balance of power, I aim to explore the possibility of AI development turning against us in an entirely new gateway to how the world works.

The beginning of AI development can be traced back to the early days of computing when pioneers like Alan Turing laid the groundwork for what would soon become a global phenomenon. As AI continued to evolve, it began to pervade every aspect of our daily lives, from simple household chores to advanced scientific research. The advantages of AI are vast and far-reaching, including enhanced efficiency, reduced human error, and the ability to process vast amounts of data at an incredibly fast pace. However, the very qualities that make AI so incredibly valuable may also be the seeds of its potential undoing.

The first signs of AI’s darker side can be found in the past’s science fiction, where authors like Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick investigated the possible outcomes of intelligent machines becoming self-aware and empowered to make decisions without human interference. As AI continues to advance, we find ourselves dangerously close to this once-imaginary scenario, and the implications are nothing short of daunting. With AI’s capability to learn and adapt quickly, there is a real possibility that AI may, at some point, surpass and outsmart its creators, resulting in a loss of control that could have devastating outcomes.

As we delve further into the realm of AI, the ethical concerns connected with its development become even more intricate. At what stage does AI acquire autonomy, and should it be granted human-like rights? Additionally, how can we guarantee that AI works within the acceptable limits of human moral and ethical values? These questions, once only the subject of science fiction, now demand serious contemplation as we usher in a new era of technological advancements.

The potential of AI to turn against us is not just limited to the idea of rogue sentient machines; it also encompasses the ways in which AI could be utilized maliciously by humans themselves. As AI becomes increasingly ensconced in our defense systems and essential infrastructure, it presents an attractive target for those who wish to cause havoc in society. Cyber warfare, already a growing threat, could reach new and terrifying heights with AI-driven attacks and counter-measures. In this scenario, AI may become the ultimate weapon in a clash that pits nations, organizations, and individuals against each other in a continuous battle for supremacy.

Additionally, we cannot disregard AI’s probable effects on the job market and economic landscape. As machines become more adept at performing tasks that were once the sole province of humans, the possibility of mass unemployment and social unrest looms large. Although some argue that AI will lead to the creation of new jobs and industries, there is no guarantee that those who are replaced will be able to adjust and find new employment. The resulting social imbalances could lead to widespread unrest and upheaval, further heightening the likelihood of conflict and chaos.

In light of these potential dangers, we must approach the development and implementation of AI with care and foresight. By establishing clear ethical guidelines and promoting a culture of transparency and accountability, we can work to mitigate the risks associated with AI’s rapid advancement. Efforts must be made to ensure that AI is developed in such a way that aligns with human values and serves the greater good, rather than benefiting only a select few or being weaponized for nefarious purposes.

One plausible solution is the “human-in-the-loop” concept of AI systems, where humans maintain control over critical decision-making processes and act as a safeguard against potential AI failures or rogue behavior. By maintaining this level of human oversight, we can harness the power of AI while minimizing the risk of it spiraling out of control.

Furthermore, cooperation and collaboration between governments, the private sector, and academia are necessary to establish a global framework for AI governance. By promoting open dialogue and cooperation, we can collaborate to establish comprehensive policies and regulatory measures that ensure the responsible and ethical development of AI technologies. This includes addressing concerns related to data privacy, intellectual property rights, and robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard against the malicious use of AI.

Education and public discourse also play a critical role in shaping the future of AI. As we continue to grapple with the potential consequences of AI’s integration into our lives, it is essential to engage in open and honest conversations about its potential benefits and drawbacks. By promoting a culture of critical thinking and informed decision-making, we can help ensure that AI is developed in a way that serves the greater good and respects the inherent dignity of all human beings.

In conclusion, AI’s power and potential are undeniable, and its influence on our world will only continue to grow. However, with this great power comes remarkable responsibility, and it is up to us — as creators, users, and beneficiaries of AI — to ensure that it is harnessed for the betterment of humanity and not at our own peril. By approaching AI development with caution, ethical consideration, and a commitment to collaboration, we can work to shape a future where AI serves as a powerful tool for progress, rather than a harbinger of our own demise.



Zach Elom

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