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Stop Second-Screening at Work

Zachary Flower
4 min readJun 18, 2024


There’s a modern term called second-screening that, I think at this point, we all engage in in some form or another.

For most people, it involves splitting attention between your smartphone and a movie or television show (get it? two screens). For others (myself included) it’s putting a video on in the background while you pluck away at some task on your computer; and then for a handful of others — also known as almost everyone that works a white-collar office job — it doesn’t always involve a second screen, but the result is the same: we’re all endlessly distracted.


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It may seem paradoxical as a people manager, but I generally abhor meetings.

I find about 80% of them to be a waste of time (this should have been an email), and most of the remaining 20% to have either the wrong people (why is Ted from the cafeteria here?), run too long (50 minutes secretly means 60, right?), or start too late (sorry, there was no gap between my meetings and I desperately needed water).

The biggest exception to this state of affairs seems to be one-on-one meetings, which can happen just as easily in a coffeeshop as…



Zachary Flower

Teacher; Freelance Writer; Compulsive Programmer; Lover of Semicolons; Impostor.