Zack Eldredge
Incredible Traveler
3 min readJan 3, 2024


*All photos by author.

Sapporo is a beautiful city to explore- especially in the wintertime. Not only do I recommend visiting the Sapporo TV Tower and Sapporo Chocolate factory but also the Sapporo Clock Tower.

Development of the Clock Tower

The oldest tower in Japan is found in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, and the clock continues to keep time after 128 years of being built. When I went there in 2021, I was amazed by the rich history. Like many museums, you could easily spend hour soaking up the history of the Sapporo Clock Tower.

Historically, the Sapporo Clock Tower was erected in 1878 as a military drill hall for the Sapporo Agricultural College, which opened its doors in 1876. The original plan was to install a bell tower, however, subsequent to the suggestion of Kuroda Kiyotaka, Governor of the Hokkaido Development Commission who was present at the hall’s completion ceremony, a clock tower was installed in 1881 instead.

The development of the Sapporo Clock Tower is credited to a brilliant architect by the name of Richard Henry…

