20 Inspiring Sayings of Imam Ali (AS) That Will Transform Your Perspective Of Life

“The unique man of the East, who will live for ever!”

Zahara Gul
3 min readApr 1, 2024


In history many persons have been successful and victorious and Ali is one of them. These people who conquered death are always with us. Although time and space separates them from us, neither time prohibits us from hearing their words nor the distance prevents us from seeing their faces.

I have started reading ‘The Voice of Human Justice: A Biography of Imam Ali (AS) by the Lebanese Christian author George Jordac.

To say that the pages in this book are full of gems would be an understatement!

The commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (AS) is the most distinguished personality of Islam after Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Although the fountains of his kindness and favours sprang from Islam he is not confined to the Muslims.

Championship of Imam Ali (AS) was not limited to the battle field. He was also matchless in the matter of faith, piety, purity, eloquence, magnanimity, help for the deprived and the oppressed and support for truth.

It’s hard not to fall head over heels in love with Imam Ali (AS) as we read Jordac’s words!

