The Shia — Sunni Debate.

Zahara Gul
2 min readDec 11, 2023

Book review of ‘The Shia — Sunni Debate. Answering The 50 Most Questions’

“Question the people of remembrance if you do not know.” (21:7)

Holy Prophet (SAW) declared: “Man kunto mawla hu fa haadha Aliyyun mawla” — “Of whomsever I am mawla, Ali is also his mawls, i.e. leader”

I will be honest, even though I was born into a Sunni family, I struggled with the way Islam was taught to me.

I fell in love with Islam and God later in life through Sufism thanks to the likes of Rumi, Kharakni and Attar. Which is why I don’t really go around saying I am a Sunni. In fact, prior to reading this book, I wouldn’t even have been able to tell you the difference between the two schools of thought.

Over the last few years I have spent a lot of time unlearning and relearning my interpretation of the Quran and learning more about Islamic history. Because context is everything!

This book was a brilliant introduction into the Shia school of thought and unexpectedly answered a lot of questions I have had about Islam after reading other books.

I have resonated with this book more than I thought I would so I am on a personal quest to delve deeper into Shia’ism.

This is such an easy read for everyone, muslim or not, to gain insights into the Shia…

