Top 10 AI Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

Zahid Laqani
6 min readAug 22, 2024


Is it just me, or does it feel like AI is taking over everything? AI is woven into every aspect of our lives, from how we shop to how we get around (or let self-driving cars do the driving for us). AI is everywhere! If you’re thinking about jumping on the AI bandwagon — or maybe you’re already on it but want to supercharge your skills — knowing the right programming languages is key.

But with so many languages out there, how do you choose which ones to learn in 2024? Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the top 10 AI programming languages that are shaping the future. Spoiler alert: Python is still the king!

Why Learning AI Programming Languages is Crucial

First off, why should you even care about learning AI programming languages? Well, let’s start with a fact:

According to a report by Gartner, AI will create 2.4 million jobs by 2024. That’s a lot of opportunities! But here’s the kicker — those jobs won’t just be for developers.

They’ll span across sectors like healthcare, finance, retail, and more. AI is becoming the backbone of innovation, and knowing how to speak its language (literally) is your ticket to staying relevant in a rapidly evolving job market.

AI is Everywhere — Literally

Think about it: AI is now embedded in the gadgets we use, the websites we browse, and even the customer service bots we complain to when something goes wrong with an online order.

Companies are investing heavily in AI, with IDC predicting global AI spending will hit $110 billion by 2024.

So, whether you’re building an AI that helps diagnose diseases or one that recommends cat videos (both noble causes), knowing the right programming language can make all the difference.

Criteria for Selecting AI Programming Languages

You might be wondering, “Okay, but what makes a programming language good for AI?” Excellent question! Here’s what you should look for:

  • Popularity and Community Support: A language with a large user base means more tutorials, forums, and third-party tools. Think of it as a built-in support system.
  • Versatility and Ease of Use: Some languages are more flexible, allowing you to pivot between tasks like data manipulation, machine learning, and deployment without switching languages.
  • Performance and Scalability: AI projects can be massive, so you need a language that can handle the heavy lifting without crashing your system or making you age prematurely.

Top 10 AI Programming Languages to Learn in 2024

1. Python

If programming languages were competing in the Olympics, Python would be Michael Phelps. It’s the gold medalist when it comes to AI. Why? For starters, Python is like that one friend who’s good at everything — data analysis, machine learning, web development, you name it.

With libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch, Python makes building AI models as straightforward as ordering pizza online (minus the waiting time).

Did You Know? Python is the language of choice for almost 70% of data scientists according to a 2021 JetBrains survey. That’s almost as popular as pizza on a Friday night!

2. R

Ever thought about diving into data but felt a bit overwhelmed by the numbers? R might be your new best friend. R is to statistics what paint is to an artist — it’s essential.

If your AI projects involve heavy statistical analysis, R’s got you covered with its rich set of libraries like Caret and randomForest. Plus, it’s a favourite in academia, so if you’re into research, R is definitely worth a look.

Fun Fact: R was developed by statisticians and is still primarily used in statistical computing and data visualization. It’s the language of choice for many in the academic world.

3. Java

Java isn’t just for building Android apps — it’s also a powerhouse for AI, especially in enterprise environments.

Think of Java as that reliable, slightly boring, but incredibly effective tool in your toolkit. It’s fast, it’s scalable, and with libraries like Deeplearning4j, Java is ready to tackle large-scale AI projects.

Why Java? Java’s strong type system and runtime efficiency make it ideal for AI applications where performance is key. Plus, it’s used by giants like LinkedIn and Twitter for their AI needs.

4. C++

Need for speed? C++ is your go-to language for AI projects where performance is non-negotiable. While it might not be as user-friendly as Python, C++ shines in scenarios like real-time AI systems and game development.

It’s like the Ferrari of programming languages — difficult to handle but unbeatable on the racetrack.

Fun Fact: C++ is widely used in the development of AI for robotics, where speed and real-time performance are critical.

5. JavaScript:

Wait, JavaScript for AI? You bet! With the rise of TensorFlow.js, JavaScript is making its mark in the AI world, especially for web-based AI applications. Imagine running a neural network directly in your browser — that’s the kind of magic JavaScript is bringing to the table.

Why JavaScript? If you’re already a web developer, learning JavaScript for AI can give you an edge in creating interactive, AI-driven web experiences.

6. Julia

Julia is like that indie band that suddenly gets big — still relatively new, but with a cult following. Designed for high-performance numerical analysis, Julia is perfect for AI tasks that require heavy computation. It’s fast, it’s efficient, and it’s gaining traction in the AI community.

Did You Know? Julia’s ability to handle complex mathematical operations quickly has made it popular in industries like finance and engineering, where precision and speed are paramount.

7. Lisp

Lisp might be older than the internet, but don’t let its age fool you — it’s still a powerful tool for AI development. In fact, many of the early AI systems were built using Lisp. It’s like the wise old grandparent of programming languages, full of knowledge and experience.

Why Lisp? Lisp’s flexibility with symbolic expression makes it ideal for AI tasks that involve natural language processing and other complex algorithms.

8. Prolog

Prolog is the Sherlock Holmes of programming languages — focused on logic and reasoning. It’s not as widely used as Python or Java, but for tasks like natural language processing and theorem proving, Prolog is unmatched.

Fun Fact: Prolog is particularly strong in AI applications involving complex rule-based logical queries, making it a niche but valuable tool in the AI toolkit.

9. Scala

Scala combines the best of both worlds — functional programming and object-oriented programming. It’s like a hybrid car — efficient, powerful, and adaptable. With libraries like Breeze and Saddle, Scala is well-suited for building scalable AI applications.

Why Scala? If you’re working with big data (think Hadoop or Spark), Scala’s seamless integration with these technologies makes it a strong contender for AI projects.

10. Swift

Swift is more than just Apple’s baby — it’s making inroads into AI, particularly with the introduction of Core ML, Apple’s framework for machine learning. If you’re interested in developing AI for iOS devices, Swift is a language you can’t ignore.

Did You Know? With Apple’s continuous push into AI, Swift is becoming increasingly important for developers looking to create AI-driven apps for the Apple ecosystem.

Top AI Companies to Watch in 2024

If you’re looking to get involved with cutting-edge AI work, here are some fantastic companies making a splash in the AI scene.

They’re not the mega-corporations you might expect, but they’re doing some seriously impressive stuff at affordable prices unlike the big giants which are too expensive.

  1. Hilarios AI
  2. DataRobot
  3. Scribe
  4. Cortexica
  5. Clarifai
  6. ThoughtSpot
  7. Zest AI
  8. Kuki (formerly known as Mitsuku)
  9. Pendo


So there you have it — the top 10 AI programming languages to learn in 2024. Whether you’re a Python enthusiast or curious about Julia, there’s a language out there that can help you achieve your AI goals. Remember, the best language for you depends on what you’re trying to build.

Whether it’s a sophisticated AI model or a simple chatbot, choosing the right programming language is your first step toward success. So, what’s it going to be? Python or C++? Java or Lisp? The choice is yours — just make sure to start now, because the AI future waits for no one!



Zahid Laqani

I write to help you find better solutions to your problems, especially technology related.