Best Vertical Monitors

Karl Jason
1 min readAug 23, 2022


As the name suggests, vertical monitors are simple monitors, which are inclined differently from conventional monitors in terms of their orientation. It is possible for the user to adjust these display devices themselves. Often they can be converted to a horizontal form as well, which allows them to be used as computer monitors. In spite of this, they are very helpful for people who have to do a lot of multitasking or who have to take a look at long strings of codes.
Also, it is important to note that people who edit photos on their computer monitors in portrait orientation will also need the best vertical monitors to do so. That’s why we have put together a list of the best vertical monitors of 2022 based on our experience. As a result of hours of research online, as well as hours of testing portrait monitors, I have compiled a shortlist of the top 7 portrait monitors you can buy in the market right now.

Read more about this in my website post, Best Vertical Monitors of 2021

