How to Draft a Manuscript Worth Winning Even When Your Life Is Burning Out

Zahoor Ali
2 min readFeb 11, 2024
Photo by Nighthawk Shoots on Unsplash

First, learn to love the chaos. Make the most of the upheaval in your life to stimulate your creativity. Allow your story to be shaped by the obstacles, disappointments, and uncertainty. Writing with authenticity requires taking inspiration from the unfiltered feelings and encounters that life presents.

Next, give discipline priority. Create a writing schedule that works for you even when things are chaotic. It can involve early mornings, late evenings, or snatched lunch break times. Maintaining consistency is essential because it gives you a sense of security in the middle of chaos and inspires you to be creative even when life seems too much to handle.

Create real-world-relevant characters. Incorporate your challenges and victories into the lives of your characters. Authenticity resonates with readers, and when you reflect on real-life struggles in your writing, you develop a story that is both emotionally and relatably compelling.

Reduce the scope of your attention. Finding your manuscript’s central idea or theme is crucial when feeling overwhelmed. Please focus on the core of your narrative and allow it to direct your writing. Not only will this clarity increase the impact of your book, but it will also keep you motivated and focused when things become hard.

